Sunday, February 19, 2023

Cold to Come Next Week

 We may have snow again this coming week.  Tuesday night to Wednesday evening up to two inches are predicted.  However its Thursday night the cold may be rather bad.  19 degrees F predicted.  We've had much lower temps here, in past winters, that were prolonged.   But this winter, even one night below 20 and we get all excited over something that isn't the usual.  We grasp at anything.

Oregonians east of the Cascades want to become part of Idaho, since Idaho is blood red compared to Oregon and sparsely populated high desert eastern Oregon can't vote out democrats and don't want to move, so they just want to move the borders.   I would like to say "get out" to people like that.    Ungrateful.  Disloyal.  Lazy too, to not move, to a state where they perceive people believe exactly like them, and rather just want to move the borders of that state to include them.  

What they will get, if they become part of Idaho, is a sales tax.  Many in Idaho travel to Oregon for retail to avoid their states sales tax.  What they will no longer get, is the quick trip over the border to load up on legal pot, because its illegal in their state.  What low wage workers will get--no more $12 or so minimum wage.  Idaho's is down in the $7 an hour range.   

Whatever.  Oregon haters of that caliber need to leave the state.  They're the same sorts who complain heavily about the US all the time, say they're going to move to Canada, never do and most of us would say to those sorts---bye bye.

Anyhow, I don't know where that came from.   I was born in Oregon, will always defend it because I've lived here all my life, and the crap these folks talk about Oregon, well it makes me sick.  

Anyhow, Taco, the teen torbi tux from the Shedd colony who I had to hold over to be fixed until tomorrow, is in a large cage in the bathroom.  I don't have a small cage, since its on loan and the big cage is too big for my bathroom.  But its all I had.   I'm brushing my teeth in the kitchen.  It would only be for a few days and I can live with the inconvenience for a few days.   Tomorrow she gets spayed.

I couldn't set her up in the garage because its too cold and my infrared space heater gave up finally, after years.   I ordered a replacement but its so small, not infrared, but the nice feature on it is a timer, so I can set it to run two hours or an hour and shut off, which is far safer with a space heater.  It has overheat shut off and tipover shut off too, both good safety features.  I only try to heat a small space in the garage if I have cats recuperating after surgery and its cold at night.

I was watching TV from my chair night before last.  It was dark out and suddenly I catch movement out in front of my window and hear giggling.  I thought kids were doing vandalism, rushed out the front door and there's a young adult woman still giggling on the sidewalk and holding something in her hands, a bag or box.  She'd been running from my porch.   I say what were you doing on my porch, and she says the food delivery went to the wrong house and says she's with the new neighbors.  She went back to their house and I came back inside and I have no idea what that was about.   I was right there in my chair easily seen as home through the window.  Why not just knock rather than try to sneak by, running and hunched over, to avoid me seeing her through the window, and snatch something off my porch.  Whether it was theirs or something of mine, I still do not know but I look at the new neighbors a little differently now and think, you know what, just knock, don't come creeping.


  1. It is a bit strange that the disaffected in Oregon would want to move to the more liberal but kinder country Canada where they will pay higher taxes. Perhaps they are thinking of Alberta.

    Ship 'em out, I agree on the face of this, but it will only created a more divided and less balanced country with terrible pockets of nasty unsocial outcasts.

    I expect it was a food delivery gone wrong, but as you say, why not just knock and ask.

    1. Oh my liberal brother is always saying he's moving to Canada, for sure this time. That was during the Trump years. Then my conservative friends will say they're moving there during the Obama, and now Biden years. None of them ever move. I think the behavior of the neighbor and friend might have had something to do with some maryjane toking over there prior. Might explain the giggling, the running hunched over when it was right in front of my window with me sitting there, and maybe even the later evening order out.

  2. That is rather suspicious. Were you expecting a delivery? If not, it's probably what she said.

    Whenever I hear of someone from CA moving to Idaho, I immediately suspect racists. It's cheaper there, they say. Sure. But so many of them just seem to be of the racist variety, or likely racists. It's sad. I'm sure Idaho is lovely. It'd be nicer if the crazies weren't all congregating there.

    1. Lol. Probably true that the racists and anti gov types do tend to migrate there. What was abnormal about two nights ago, was the giggling and attempt to not be seen ducking below front window level because I was sitting right there. But then I recall the neighbor lady smokes a lot of dope, due to medical issues and probably shared with her friend. Would explain both the giggling, the behavior and later night order out. I am going to chalk it up to dope toking.

    2. Yeah, once I thought about it, I totally thought it sounded like they got the munchies.

  3. I'm not sure why, but people just like to complain and saying they're moving is a part of that. That's when I want to say, "Put up or shut up." :)

    1. Ha! I say it too, even though I know they're not going to move and I don't want them to either, because they're friends or family. This Idaho thing is different. The Greater Idaho people want most of Oregon to become part of Idaho.

  4. Your bathroom floor is same design as mine.
    Blue state support the red state. I don't see any advantage of Eastern Oregon become part of Idaho. Now this is my personal opinion. "Most people who is elected in Idaho elections are NUTS!
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. My brother in Idaho says the same thing, about Idaho politicians. The bathroom and kitchen floors are original 70's vinyl. So was the shag carpet in every other single room, when I moved in and it was in the shape of shag carpet from the 70's. I ripped it all out immediately as it was disgusting.

    2. I remember when I first walked into this house, after my brother bought it, and saw the brownish shag rug that was in every room except the bathroom and and kitchen, I had a throwback to the 70's and the house I grew up in. I briefly wondered where the bright orange plastic apholstered couch was or the yellow bean bag, both of which were prominent fixtures in my childhood house.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....