Friday, February 17, 2023

More Shedd Cats Fixed

 The colony caretaker showed up this morning, to load up four Shedd colony adults to take to be fixed.

Yesterday however I'd trapped two more, for a total of five.   I caught one quickly under the drop trap.  The older couple who feeds them had left to go shopping.  This made things easy.   I could then back way back up the driveway towards the road, and still have line of sight to the drop trap.   I also set the trap I'd left out by the barn, the night before.  I'd closed it with food in it and put some food outside it, so they'd be very aware it was there and associated with food.   I set it up to spring with my remote control.

Just after I drop trapped an orange and white, I saw with binoculars that the trap back by the barn had three unfixed cats around it--the big unfixed muted torti tux, the teenage torbi tux and Dirty Tail.  I scrambled to text the colony caretaker, ask her if for sure she would be able to contain Mischief, the kitten they had adopted from the colony along with Delilah, who I got fixed awhile back.   Mischief was going in as her fifth cat.   And I'd already trapped four others now, with the one from under the drop trap.  No reply, because she was at work.  I figured I'd get no reply.  I was loath to miss an opportunity to catch one of the unfixed girls, however.  By now the muted torti tux had moved back in the barn and torbi tux was eating in the trap. I decided to spring it, which I did with a touch to the remote trigger.    Dirty Tail ran for his life as his little girlfriend panicked in the closed trap.  Well Dirty Tail will be hard to catch now I thought.  

It only took an hour to catch two more yesterday morning.   A let down, since I don't have a lot going on right now.  Which is probably a weird thing to read.

 I don't have any humans in my life currently that I actually talk to and see in person.   I make these awkward attempts to find friends to do things with, but I'm not really successful outside of once every couple months for something brief.   I see one brother twice a year for a few hours and haven't seen the other one in several years.  They live so far away and have busy lives.  

Anyhow, so I'd rather sit in a freezing car scheming after elusive cats than stewing around the house.  There is no one around here into helping cats whom I know anymore.  The ones I had contact with routinely have died or quit.   Sometimes I just want to talk to people who go through the same things, doing this sort of work.  Or have some fun with another human.

Pipe dreams.

Here are the four who went to be fixed today and the one still in my garage.  The colony caretaker daughter made up names for them, for the records.

Studley, a boy

Julius, also a boy

I have already forgotten the name she gave this one, Freda maybe

This one, although sex is unknown, she gave the name Jezebel, for the records.

Here's the skrawny torbi tux, who will wait til Monday to be fixed.

Wouldn't you know, when about to leave yesterday morning, after catching the two, I saw two more to add to my unfixed list out there.

Here are some of the ones still needing caught to be fixed.

Dirty Tail, who needs a bath.   I wormed him out where he hangs out weeks ago, and since then the poop stuck to his tail is dried up, not fresh, but he needs a tail bath.

Small unfixed black tux

This large uniquely marked orange and white still needs caught

Young light colored muted torti

Muted torti tux, on left

Another muted torti, who hangs out in the barn

Orange and white female, in heat

This large boy, with full orange face

Buff tux young teen, in barn

I believe there to be a young torbi, too, not a torbi tux and not the fixed torbi.   I've only seen fleeting glimpses twice, and it could have been Turtle I saw, a straight torti, or it may well be the fixed torbi adult I've seen, but I have to keep a watch to be sure if its a fixed one or another needing caught. caught.

That would be ten I know of left needing caught, if there is a young torbi.  


  1. I'm sorry that you feel lonely right now. Have you thought about programs through the rec department or library. Most of those are free. Even if you don't make a friend at one of them, you'd be out among people and could have some conversations. You probably already know, but are there any online groups with members who do your kind of work that you could connect with?

    1. The parks and rec stuff they have here are extremely limited and costly too. I do look at the offerings now and then but they're most for kids or families and very limited. I've been alone all my life but after my best friend died over a year ago, there's nobody I can find to even go have coffee with routinely. Making a friend from a stranger at my age might be a ridiculous notion. I have not used the local library since I don't get books or videos from there, reason being my cats have peed on or torn up library books on a couple occasions and then I have to pay up (library books, videos have the smells of a million different people/places to cats so invoke intense interest).

    2. Not in this area, since the demise of KATA, and the lack of spay neuter locally, just not anyone else at this time around here. I looked up our parks and recs again, but its very very limited, what they offer. I've taken one of their mosaic classes twice and while it was ok, it was useless and there were only four other people there. LIbrary currently only has kids and teen programs and gamer get togethers.

    3. Another place to look are Senior Centers. Around here 55 and older qualifies you as a senior. Some of them are quite active with all kinds of trips and classes. The one that is housed in the same building as my library has tap dancing and stained glass classes as well as lunch every day. I have a friend who runs another one in the next county and they do so many interesting things.

    4. We no longer have a senior center. Its now used by Parks and Recs for their limited things but mostly its rented out.

  2. It never ends, does it.

  3. Have you heard of I met my (now defunct) writer's group there. Different people create groups to meet up for various things. Like park walks or other sorts of get togethers. There might even be a cat group there (or you could create one--although I think to create a group you have to pay a fee).

    1. Yes, I tried two hiking groups, was rejected from a third because turns out it was only for lesbians. The first one even though they advertised for all levels was really a race, who could reach the top first. I got left behind. I didn't even know the trails. I was so angry at them, but, I did finally track their dogs, who fortunately left good prints, and passed them as they lunched and took a group photo. The next meetup hike group I tried, I was the only one who showed up of a dozen who signed up. So I hiked alone and fuck them. I gave up on meet up some time ago.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....