Thursday, January 19, 2023

Here's one of the two kittens from the Shedd colony.  Both are recuperating from near death out at their colony, due to parasite infestations that caused them diarrhea, malnutrition and dehydration.  They are doing so much better now, after almost a week on antibiotics, warmth and good food.   This is Delilah.

I need to return the five cats fixed yesterday up at the FCCO.   I drove them up early morning, then came home and slept a few hours.   A friend volunteered to pick them up.   I had a movie date with another old friend, my motorcross racer friend, now in her 70's, with a former motorcycle racer husband who was paralized in a bike crash long long ago, but recently lost a leg to bone infection.   They're also both former engineers (very smart).  Anyhow, we went and saw A Man Called Otto then had a sandwich at the movie theater.  It was very relaxing and delightful.  I came home to the cats already in my garage.  I set them up with heat and warmed food and now am about to return them.   

My Lebanon friend's nephew made an appointment to see the homeless camp property in Cascadia.  Not for him, for his aunt, my friend, who lives in the home her mother owned in Lebanon but that he wants since his dad gave him his half of the house.  There's just nowhere in this area to get into another home for somewhere between $150k and $200k.   

Anyhow, they all went up to see it.  Owners had to come down from Portland to show it.  I knew the owners, both the parents and their son, met them briefly when they lived on the property up there and had cats needing fixed, although I never got it done, outside of about 16 of them, removing 13, returning three fixed adults.  Then the accusations and threats ended my help up there.

The parents moved off the property at some point but still co own it with their son, who lives on the property and refuses to move or sell and his parents are afraid of him and the property can't be shown without them coming down due to the danger.   So they shouldn't even be trying to sell it until ownership issues are resolved, or agreement to sell between the coowners is reached and the son off the property, for safety sake.  I don't have a lot of sympathy for the parents either since all parties bought the property for a little over $40 k a year and a half ago and are now trying to sell it for $200k.  That's nuts.

There are some very small completely trashed places for sale along a rural road near Mill City, that have been empty and trashed for years.  They're going for $175k and are not even livable.  Can you believe these fricking prices?  The gall to sell unlivable dwellings for that price?  No wonder there are homeless folks everywhere.

Here's a video of sparrows eating on one of my home made seed cakes.

Here's a recipe for seed cakes if you are interested:


  1. Housing prices are insane here too. In some cities the average price is now over $1 million!!! Which I cannot get my head around. No, buying into a property with ownership issues is a disaster waiting to happen.
    Glad that the kittens are doing better.

    1. Who could afford such a price?

  2. The housing market is due for a crash. Too many people vying for terrible properties for prices no one can afford? Yeah, that's definitely why we have a homelessness issue. And too many people are gouging where they can.

    1. It certainly is due to crash. These prices they're asking for houses and for rent, up here, are unbelievable. Even site rent at mobile home parks, where you own your trailer, they own the land, are out of sight, making even trailer parks out of reach for many.

  3. I think your sparrows look the same as ours, except ours hang upside down here downunder.

    1. Lol Andrew. Of course they'd hang upside down downunder.

    2. This made me giggle, which was much needed after reading about crappy humanity's issues. ~sigh~ And Delilah's video made me very happy. Thank you for sharing. ~hugs~ And thanks for that video on the recipe! Of course I forgot to search for myself. lol Take care, my dear.

  4. Thanks for the video on how to make the bird feeders. Besides the instruction, I enjoyed the music.

    1. Sure, one of mine fell apart. I'd stuck the stick down in at a slant. I need a smaller diameter stick too and a larger diameter mold.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....