Tuesday, December 27, 2022


 Today the weather is warm, 50 degrees in fact, and very very windy.  We have a high wind weather alert in fact.  The noise of the wind work me up this morning.

I can't get over the great time I had down with my family for Christmas.  Glowing over it still.   I loved being with all of them.

We had agreed no gifts, but then my brother hands me a bag.  In it, were some Keen boots.  Keens are top of the line shoes/boots.  Like unbelievable quality.  I cried when I opened it, I couldn't help it.  My clutch foot had been hurting badly and part of that was due to bad old worn out shoes, that went out in the garbage can this morning, where they belonged.   The boots are so gorgeous and fit perfectly, no easy task with my feet, to find a good fit.  I put them on and wore them continually until I got home.  

I said "but we agreed, no gifts".  He said, "Yeah, we know but we thought, nope, not doing that."  They got them when they were stuck in Eugene in the ice storm and he went to get new work boots and saw those.

I have tendonitis in my left foot, mainly from bad shoes, that irritate the tendons and from using the clutch on my car, during that week I took so many cats to be fixed.  The culmination was the trip to Portland with 12 cats and sitting in my car all day, then the congested traffic stop and go, requiring lots of clutch work, on the trip home.   When you are tired, you can really hurt yourself so much easier than if you are not tired.  So I could barely walk on my foot since then.   

I'm using a boot here, to help hold my lower leg and foot without movement, until its better.  It can take a long while to heal tendonitis but I had great success using that boot when I got fasciitis in my left heal years and years ago, by wearing that boot religiously.  

I went over to give my new neighbors a Christmas bag this morning and they invited me in for coffee.  They had friends visiting from California.   

Well anyhow, I have litter boxes to clean.  Always the litter boxes.  My cats never take a holiday from pooping.  Fortunately I am very good with the litter scoop.   Years of experience!


  1. I'm so glad you had a great Christmas. I know what you mean about clutch foot. I'd say it's time for an automatic transmission, but I know you said your car is perfect for hauling a bunch of cats at a time. Hopefully you'll find a solution.

    1. Is your car automatic or manual? The guy I bought this one from sold it cheap simply because he wasn't able to sell a manual in Portland, because a manual in congestion traffic is hell, especially on your clutch foot. Can't be good down where you are either.

  2. What a thoughtful and wonderful gift.
    It sounds as if your new neighbours are keepers too - which is also wonderful.
    And no, the pooping and the piddling never stops.
    I hope your poor foot heals quickly and you can wear your Christmas boots again.

    1. Yeah, good neighbors. And my foot is improving rapidly. I'll get a photo of my beautiful boots soon.

    2. The add on niceness of the boots is they are waterproof. I'd been trying to find some waterproof easy on boots since everytime I'm outside in the winter my shoes get soaked in five minutes.

  3. I've seen people wearing those boots and I wondered what the actual condition was that needed the boot. Now I know at least one of the reason. Your brother is very kind to you. I think we should see a photo of these very special boots.

  4. I hope your foot heals quickly. I did not enjoy my time wearing a boot.

  5. New boots that fit! Yay! I have a hard time getting shoes that fit when I go to the store and have someone help me. Here's to a new year of feet that hurt less and keep dry during you many cat rescues!

    1. Oh they're awesome, wore them all day today.

  6. I look forward to seeing your new boots, as well. :D I have tears in my eyes right now. What a well deserved gift. ~hugs~ Take care and heal fast!

    1. I'll get a new post up soon with a photo. They're really great.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....