Friday, December 30, 2022

Inflation Blues

 Power company is raising rates by 15% first of January.   



Sorry about the swearing but I just saw it on facebook then found a news article on it.

Panic sets in, mind racing over budgeting.

That's after more water/sewer rate hikes and garbage rate hikes.

There are a few nonprofits that help with one time payments once a year on utility bills but you need to sell your soul to get the help, go, hat in hand, tell them all your finances, be judged, looked down on, all that to get that one time help a year.   To be honest, I'd rather rip off my fingernails.  It's less painful.

My highest energy use is for the dryer, heat and for water heating for a shower.  Winter months I run a space heater in the garage cat room, for the cats who refuse to come into the house.   It's made things easier on them and on the cats who are always in the house because then the cat yard/cat room ones don't come inside.  I won't need that too much longer as my kitties, The Family, are dying off from old age.  But for now I need it more than ever with the cat yard crew, who don't often enter the house, being old now too and less able to withstand cold and constant rain.

I lost 9 cats last year alone.  Only one, Starry, died of non age related illness.  She got intestinal tract lymphoma.  Starry wasn't young, but not super old either like the others who died. My dear Starry, from that swamp in North Albany, unwanted by the up and coming neighborhood, starving.   The others who died:  Bluebell, Storm (both from that 60 cat colony), Gidget (from when I got pimped out by the mayor to remove unwanted cats from an apartment complex), Mooki (the last remaining Spicer boy), Soloman, Panda (from that drug complex in Lebanon where residents shot at the cats), Comet (from Heatherdale trailer park) and Misty (from the Albany business).

I do a lot of laundry.  Anyone with cats does a lot of laundry.  I do wash only in cold water, at least.   The constant laundry runs up the water bill and the electric bill when I dry laundry in the dryer.   The weather here doesn't make for efficient drying on a line outside.  We get maybe two months of weather where that is possible.  

The side effects of a power cost increase trickle down farther than just my own residential bill.  All the businesses will get the increase and then pass on that cost in increased prices.  Like prices aren't high enough now.

So they claim in the article rates are going up, in part, due to power shortages.  And yet this state is trying to switch over to all electric vehicles.  Really?  With electric power so expensive and in short supply?  The state will have to kill off the poor people to achieve their climate goals I guess.  I'm just being bitchy because I'm in a panic over surviving this latest announced increase.

It'll work out somehow.   I'm thinking maybe having a no power day once a month just to see how that might go.  With prices increasing all the time, I feel a gut punch queasiness because I know prices are unlikely to go down in the future, just keep getting worse and worse and I fear I'll run out of ways to cut back.

I do now have these beautiful boots that should last for many many promised....the photo.


  1. I understand you're panic. You're not alone as prices for most things are on the rise. You are so resourceful, I know you will find out a way to cope. I'm just sorry that you have to.

    1. I know. There are so many in trouble already, with high rents, high food prices, I'm lucky.

  2. I love your boots. Practical, sturdy and comfortable shoes are a huge win. A big sigh at the ever increasing cost of power which, as you say, sends other prices up. Often unreasonably - like when the cost of bread goes up by 5 cents a loaf so sandwich shops add five cents to the cost of every sandwich...

    1. Yes they're very sturdy and supportive. Is power expensive there?

  3. What awful news! And I'm so sorry for all your losses. Grrr... I don't blame you for swearing. ~hugs~ Your new boots look amazing. Wear them well, my dear.

    1. Yeah its been a rough year. I wondered how I'd survive all the sadness but we did here. I've got a few more on the way out including my blessed Peeman Sam, now close to 17, has a probably cancerous growth on his nose. Echo is starting to fail. Buffy has been failing for five years, so....she's a tough old bat. Still swings at me if I try to give her a pet. I've worn them every day since I got them except today, when I'm mostly barefoot

  4. Inflation sucks. I wish I had a solution for you. And I'm sorry about all the gang you lost this year. That is quite the list.

  5. You describe perfectly why government financial social security on a regular basis is important, and not doled out by a charity where you feel judged in some way. Inflation is a world wide problem, so you are not alone. How it is handled is a country's problem. You really did have a bad year with so many cat losses of your own, but tally up how many you helped and perhaps saved.

    1. Thanks Andrew, yes, so many people rely on social security and it should not be considered the dole but rather earned, so as less judgement also than when money is handed out by charities. Sometimes to hear people complain you would think inflation is only in Oregon and all the fault of our governor. These people don't even bother with finding out how it is also going on in other countries. I had a terrible year of losses with my cat family and became despondent by end of summer over it. I'll likely have another bad year, same reason, because I still have a lot of very very old kitties, some I don't know how they're still alive, they're so elderly.

  6. Not sure exactly when I retiring. I know it will be in 2023. But I'm figure out little ways I can cut corners when it comes to budgeting.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. You'll get day at a time.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....