Monday, December 26, 2022


 Late Saturday, I left for the coast.   I took one change of clothes.

Yup, left late.  There was stall ups on the freeway.  I'd seen that when I went over and rigged one plastic cover over where the three cat colony caretaker feeds.  He could have done this long ago, but he is full of excuses all the time for everything.  So I put the plastic cover up under the fence, after punching two holes in one end, with some scissors in the car and running a long zip tie through the holes and out.  I was kneeling by the fence in pouring rain to do this.  From under the fence I worked up the end and finally worked the ends of the zip tie through the privacy screen and fastened it off, to that it on the other side, it was at a good slant out and would cover his food boxes.

When I was driving home other side of the freeway I saw the slow up, near to halt, on the freeway south, of traffic and thought I'll wait to leave.

I finally left, for the south coast, to spend the day Sunday there,  but the slow ups continued, for no apparent reason, with traffic crawling at 20mph and finally I left the freeway in exasperation and found my way down a different route, crossing to the coast from the valley via the beautiful highway 38 to Reedsport and down.   

My brother and his wife had been stuck in Eugene over the ice storm day, trying to retrieve their daughter who had been trying to get down from Fairbanks to see them.   Cancelled flights stalled her in Tacoma.  Then she got a train but it had problems with a bridge maybe over the Columbia or in Portland which caused the trip to lengthen and lengthen.  They stayed over two nights in Eugene trying to figure a way to pick her up, tried briefly the freeway Friday but quickly abandoned the plan with the terrible slick ice.  Finally did retrieve her in Salem, late Friday night, when things were starting to thaw a bit, where the ever slow train ride had stalled out again, (she'd been on it forever from Olympia).  They got her on Friday evening, not getting back to their home in southern Oregon til nearly midnight.

They had reservations Saturday late afternoon to see the Shore Acres State Park holiday lights.   I have no idea how I made it on time to meet them there.   I did, arriving a good half hour after they did, but still in plenty of time, to find it dark there, raining lightly and crowded and my left foot too painful to walk on far.  

Tendonitis. Clutch foot caused in that week of taking in 37 cats culminating with the trip to Portland with 12.  When you are tired out then drive to congested Portland in a manual transmission car, your clutch foot will not be feeling great by the end of that trip.   I'm trying to figure out how to get myself and a few cats to Portland in just under two weeks, since the lady I'd hoped could transport up a few cats to be fixed, now can't.  With my painful clutch foot, that is.   Darn that such a trip is the only means now to get cats fixed.

Shore Acres is on the coast out past Sunset Bay Beach and campground, out past Empire and Charleston, not that far out though.  I worked summers twice as a teen out at Bastendorf Beach County Park.  Shore Acres is a ways on past Bastendorf. 

The lights were beautiful.  We wandered the acres of beauty for some time.  The lit up house had cookies and hot cider inside for visitors.  

Already there were three other family members staying with brother and his wife besides their daughter from Alaska, so there was juggling for them to sleep that many of us over.  It got worked out and was just a delightful time together.   I was gone again, on the road home, within 24 hours or so of starting out to go down there.  
We went nowhere once back at their place, from seeing the lights at Shore Acres, for the rest of the time I was there--just hung out, slept of course that night, ate breakfast and had fondue for lunch Sunday, Christmas Day.   Lovely to see my brother and his wife, their kids, kids family and my brother's wife's family.

It was nearly dark by the time I left at 4:00 in the afternoon.  I drove through rain and some heavy fog with little traffic until I hit the freeway.  I found a bathroom to my relief at the elk place outside Reedsport.  It's the elk habitat overlook, that I love.  One can see, on a good day, all kinds of wildlife and bird life out in the protected area including herds of elk.  The highway is between the river and the viewing area.  There were elk in the fields before the elk view rest area on the way down but it was dark and foggy on the way back when I stopped in, having had too much coffee, needing that restroom, which was trashed from so many people stopping during the day.  And not another car to be seen.  Just the way I like it.  I could be a hermit at heart.

My cats were happy to see me, briefly, then mad that I'd ever left and acted like spoiled kids.

We only had a couple days of ice here.   The east coast is having a terrible time of it, with blizzards and snow and freezing cold.  


  1. The lights are incredible. I am glad that you had, and enjoyed, some family time and hope your poor foot heals fast.

    1. Yeah, its feeling better already.

  2. Jody, you and I worship different gods. My god says, "Snowbrush don't drive at night, especially when it's foggy, icy, or rainy," and, "Snowbrush, don't leave home with clutch-foot except when the house is on fire." I say this and yet... I fell on ice last week while trying to help someone else up who had fallen on ice. As a result, I now have a sprained hand, a twisted knee, and even more back-pain than usual, yet I got my ladder out yesterday and finished pruning my pear tree (you might recall that I broke my back by falling off the same ladder while pruning an apple tree several years ago). Peggy was not pleased with my decision to do this, but it was a warm day, and Raynaud's Disease makes it too hard for me to work on cold days. Besides, the yard debris barrel goes out on Tuesday, and I still have five nine-foot-tall grasses that I have to prune and then put into that barrel. As you have observed--by example--our work requires our attention whether we feel good enough to attend to it or not.

    You are ever an inspiration and a delight. I will treasure your Christmas card always, and I ask you to remember that you have a friend in Eugene.

    1. OMG Snow, you have a death wish, but also a kind heart, helping someone else who fell on the ice. You don't need more pain though. You have enough already. I have such a collection of braces and wraps now, for various body parts, once I injure them again. I just open the trunk of body braces and choose the one appropriate, get out my ice packs, kick back in the recliner......hope for the best. I would vote with Peggy on pruning the pear tree. Leave it the partridges up there already.

  3. I'm so glad you were able to go somewhere for the holiday. What a mess, though. Take it easy. I'm sure it's good to be home.

    1. It was so good to be home and have a long sleep in my own bed. With my cats. Its hard for me to sleep without cats.

  4. That was a nice mini adventure. Your photos are terrific.

  5. That was a beautiful light display. I'm glad that you finally made it through all of the traffic to see it, as well as your brother and his family.

    1. They really put on a show there every year.

  6. Wow! Thank you for sharing some images of that awesome display. Your family gathering warms my heart. I'm so glad you were able to attend and got there and back safe.

    1. That is an amazing light display they put on there. It must take ages to put together.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....