Saturday, December 10, 2022

The Zombie

 Yeah, I'm a zombie by now.

Taking care of as many extra cats as I have in my garage currently will do that to a person.

I have to transfer them, one by one, to clean traps, twice a day.  I do this by transferring one, then cleaning the trap they were in, and transferring another to the clean trap, cleaning the one they were in, etc.  It's not that hard but it is time consuming.

I took five to the clinic yesterday.   I took Bogie, the big black tux boy from Blue Ox, Fish, a kitten, Hidey, an all black adult female, and two boy kittens Destiny and Karma.

During the day, besides cleaning traps and doing laundry, I ran the drop trap up to the Sweet Home colony, for them to prefeed under.   The police presence on highway 34 and 20, on the way up, was astounding.  They were stopping so many cars.  I must have seen six or eight police cars, several of them with cars stopped.   The highway has a 55 mph speed limit but people drive like raving maniacs on it, so was I sad to see all the police, stopping speeders?  Nope.  Not a tear for them.  On the way back, I saw six cars pulled over by police.   Cheering inside.

There have been so many terrible wrecks on that highway, with many fatalities.

I'd had a message conversation with the woman yesterday morning who confirmed she would be there at the time I intended to arrive.  She wasn't.  I waited 40 minutes in fact and was not happy with her.   She didn't get it though, big deal to her, to make a volunteer wait like that.   I got my cage back she borrowed months ago too.  It wasn't cleaned or taken apart and folded up.   I had to do that.  I made a comment it should have been cleaned and ready and left.  The comment must have irritated her because I then got a volume of texts over how I treated her.  Yeah, how dare a volunteer drive all the way up from Albany and wait 40 minutes for her and also expect the cage she'd borrowed long ago to be clean and ready to go.  What a lot to ask.

People!   I drove to the clinic from there and picked up the five cats.  After which I got a phone message from the Scravel cats man.  "Do you have my girl cat?"  Seems he'd tamed one of the cats and got her fixed already and she even sleeps with him.  I knew exactly which cat he must be talking about because she stood out, being a talker.   So I took her back after situating the other five cats, took him two bags of food, and once there, trapped a replacement cat for her, a little black long hair.

Once home, Lisa and her daughter, kitten tamers, arrived to pick up the two smallest kittens.  Only one, in the transfer from trap to carrier, got out in my garage.  Usually I do transfers in my bathroom, but Gigi is in there still.   It didn't take long to find him in a corner, move some stuff and net him.  Transferred his brother in the bathroom, where I should have done both transfers.

I went to bed immediately then.  This morning, and I need to get a move on, I take the 11 in traps still, down to the vet student who will take them to her clinic and fix them all.  Thank goodness for her!   

After that, I return the three fixed yesterday and set up a game cam in the barn at Scravel cats, to find out how many are really left needing fixed there.  


  1. I am tired just reading about your work. Transferring and cleaning 2x/day for all those cats is a big job. Yeah, I don't get people who complain about volunteers. They just don't get it.

    1. I feel its quite stupid to complain to a volunteer you are depending on to do something that needed done for years. And over something you should have done, for gosh sakes.

  2. I am so glad that you got your trap back finally. And hope you never have to deal with that woman again. She sounds like a self entitled oxygen thief to me.
    And not in the slightest bit surprised you are zombie tired. I do hope you can get some rest. Soon.

  3. Some people are truly entitled. Yikes. Take a rest. You need it.

    1. No kidding. Is it just the younger generation or only some of the younger generation? I don't know. Be where you'll say you'll be, at the time you say you'll be there. Or cancel. Seems pretty simple to not waste other people's time. Take care of equipment you've borrowed. Treat it well, clean it when done, return it promptly, have it ready. Who doesn't know to do such things?

  4. I am also glad you retrieved your trap. Some people deserve to be in one. Grrr.... Be well, my dear.

    1. It was actually a large cage they'd borrowed to hold some kittens from the colony.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....