Saturday, December 10, 2022

Nice Day

 Bright and early I was up.  Loaded up the 11 cats in traps and headed off to Brownsville.  15 in all will make the trip with the vet student to Eugene, and the clinic where she works.

Back of my car this morning, 11 cats in traps.  Some are in front of these.

Here's the replacement cat for Number Nine, whom I returned last night, since she's tame and already fixed.  The old man had called me, apologized for not telling me about his gal cat who is already fixed and that I likely had her.

Nine went home last night.  She's already fixed.

Brownsville is a beautiful little town south of Albany.  I've trapped all up and down Seven Mile that runs from south of Albany down to Brownsville, so the memories flooded back, with nearly every place I passed.

Brownsville's claim to fame is the movie Stand By Me was filmed there.  Every year they hold a festival in honor of that classic movie.

The vet student was in her driveway ready, when I arrived and the Holley woman was there too, with her four.  They'd been on my list so long, and no space to get them in.  Well finally they'll be fixed.  They caught them as wild kittens in their barn, had paid out over $300 to get the mom fixed alone and couldn't afford that for the kittens.

I got some coffee at a stand then.  Needed it.  And headed back home.  Once home, I loaded up the two from Blue Ox road ready to go home and took off.  Had to put my boots on for this, as the four foot deep ditch has a lot of water in it.  Dennis, one of the feeders, who has had the flu, but is finally over it (I hope), drove up behind my car.  I was happy he did, as he was a buffer to other cars and lives right there, so people know him.  Otherwise, I may have been yelled at again, by passing cars.  "Don't feed the cats!" Stuff like that.  

Now I'm home and going to take a game cam out to the Scravel place, so I can try to figure out how many left there.

Then....that's it until I go pick up the 11 at 5:00, hard part of day is over and done with.  The Holley lady will pick up her own four down in Brownsville.   I saw these Canada Geese in a grass seed field over off Three Lakes Road.


  1. I do hope you can rest until five. And glad that you took Nine home - and even gladder that she is already fixed.
    That is a LOT of geese.

    1. All good, and the good news is, the other little black and white boy kitten from Blue Ox is going to be fostered by one of the vet students, who fell in love. And there are nowhere near 30 cats at the Scravel Colony. Maybe four more. Game cam will tell the tale with accuracy.

    2. This news makes me smile. Be well, and keep passing on the joy of this demanding work, my dear. As for geese, I'd rather have our local buzzards. I can just imagine the poop potential. lol

    3. I have a thing about geese flying overhead. I think they like, for fun, to target people with their poop. Like long range bombers. It's their hobby and probably they compete over who has the most poop "kills". So I can imagine the amount of poop put out by that flock and its not a pretty imaginary picture.

  2. Sounds like progress. I hope there aren't too many at the Scravel Colony. That'll be a lot to take on.

  3. You sure put in time catching cat and getting them sterilized.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....