Friday, December 02, 2022

Christmas is Coming


And the destruction begins.....

I was offered five cancellation appointments late yesterday, for today.  Of course I jumped at the opportunity.  I messaged the vet student who lives in the trailer park down in Harrisburg.  She caught three.  Then I contacted a lady long on my list.   Her cats were just feral kittens when she first contacted me but now they're older teens.   So I went and got them.

I'm about to leave to go pick up the five.  Here they are, in all their pre spayed, neutered glory.   

Princess, from Lebanon

Gravy, from Lebanon

Charlie, from Harrisburg

Creed, from Harrisburg, a most unhappy in the trap kitty

Tucker, from Harrisburg, whose ears are really messed up, looks like from fungus, fighting or frostbite.

Well, I just woke from a nap and better get my shoes on and get up to the clinic to get them.    It's been cold here, icy mornings, snow level low, cold winds--the usual winter stuff.


  1. Yay for last minute cancellations. I mean, it's a bit of a scramble, but that's five more done.

    1. Wasn't bad at all, and I had like five or six or seven cats in the wings, their people wanting them to get the spots if the two I contacted didn't. And yes, five more fixed!

  2. Wonderful. A most excellent early Christmas present for you and the cats.

    1. It was like a gift, a nice one too.

  3. Marvellous news to hear. Go get 'em.

    1. Thanks Andrew, I do and will, any chance I get!

  4. I like your tree. Is that a cat bed up near the top in the black basket?

    1. Yes, one of the hanging basket beds. They love it.

  5. I lost count of the number of ways you had the tree secured :-)

    1. It's tied up three directions. Also had to tie the lights on. Darn cats anyhow.

  6. It been a while since I had to secure a Christmas tree.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Its not just the tree I secure. I tie on the lights too. But, otherwise.....

  7. I literally laughed out loud at your video clip. And hurray for five more kitties getting this new lease on life! I cannot imagine all the drama of living with unfixed cats. Jezebel first went into heat right after we brought her home from the neighbors that discovered her. The sights and sounds are burned into my memory, and my husband likes to say our friends knowingly pulled a prank on us. lol Best wishes, my dear.

    1. I can't imagine it either, like living with super horny teens, whose every thought is about hook up. Glad you liked the clip of Little Dragon taking over the tree. She loves it!

    2. I'm going to watch the video again. :D


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....