Monday, November 28, 2022

Five Cats Fixed Today

 I went up to the RV park above Sweet Home yesterday afternoon and got the three girls that were fixed today.  The Lacomb folks had already brought over their last two boys needing fixed.  Seven fixed from the Lacomb barn.  20 so far helped this time around at the RV park.  With more to go.

These are the two Lacomb boys.

Froggy, a gray tabby

Shadow, who is all gray

The three RV park girls all had had litters.  Wesa's owner has three of the kittens from Wesa's last litter.  They're now three to four months.  I'll take them to be fixed next Monday.  The clinic still is not giving out appointments for January.  Getting worried about that.

Wesa was spayed today.  Next week her three teenagers, her last litter, will be fixed.

Cupcake was a stray a lady is now calling hers.  She had two litters this last summer alone.  

Thunder was spayed today.  She's a sweetie.  She had five kittens but they all died except one and I guess he's four months now but the size of a 2 month old so not sure when or if he'll be healthy enough to be neutered.

So Wesa's three kittens plus one of Cupcakes kittens, now a teen, will be fixed next Monday and maybe the final tabby if I get so lucky as to catch that wild thing.  That should do it there.  

I guess the big rig cab will no longer be parked out front.  A neighbor yelled at him over it.  Made me sad.  I will miss The Guardian.  Probably that darn loud deisel pickup will be back parking out there now.   I liked that big tractor cab out front.  I don't know why, I just did.

The girls are all back home.   The boys will go home in the morning.   Next weeks cat round up will be all at the RV park, and then if I have a leftover spot, another stray from another part of Sweet Home will get to go too.   It's too easy to fill just a handfull of spots.  Give me twenty spots for a bit of a challenge.


  1. Well done. Again. More cat lives improved.

  2. I suppose you could look at the lack of places as giving you some time to slow down a bit. Nevertheless, a great effort by you as always.

    1. Slowing down isn't really something I do very well.

  3. Now you'll have to decorate the outside of your place ;)
    You're chipping away at the colonies. Nice.

    1. Yup, now I'll have to put up the lights, complain complain, lol. Yes, trying to finish some, with the few spots I have. At least they won't be mental burrs, churring at my brain.

  4. Thank you for the work you do.

  5. You're amazing, as always. You needing a challenge doesn't surprise me. ~hugs~ I'm sad your guardian truck is gone.

    1. Me too, sad the Guardian is gone. Thanks!


Back to the Usual Yuk

 Our winter weather is short lived.   By this evening, back to the usual dreary yuk of rain.   We never got the freezing rain predicted, in ...