Friday, November 04, 2022

What to do About Rogue

 Rogue has improved but is not himself anymore.  He eats like a horse, howls to get out of the bathroom confinement, but still isn't completely stable on his feet and appears to not see or hear from his right eye/right ear.   This is apparent in the video, if you turn on the sound.

In other words, you can sneak up on him from the right really easily.

So....I don't know if this will improve.  This house is a threat to him if he doesn't.   Too many six to seven foot high cat runs.  Even if he could navigate them without falling, he'd get knocked off if passed by another cat or targeted by one of my bully boys (Sam, Slinko or Otto).

So, do I let him out to try to get back to some semblance of normal?  Keep him confined another couple weeks to watch for improvement?  Try to find him a one leveled home (no cat runs)?  The latter would be near impossible I imagine, to find an elderly disabled wild boy a safe home?   When there are still cute kittens jamming up rescues and shelters?   

Good thing is there's no rush to anything around here.  Especially in winter.  We're having some monsoon thing again, with wind and lots of rain.   There's no doing much of anything.

Nah, haven't heard a peep from whomever has my carrier.  Will it get returned?  I kind of doubt it at this point.  It's not at the vet clinic where the cat was taken.   I loved that carrier.  Not really "love".  Ha. It was very user friendly.  Number one reason was because it wasn't a clamshell, you know the kind that's bigger around the middle than at the front and has those brittle plastic clamps to hold the two sides together, that fail with age.  I hate clamshell carriers.  

 It was medium size, the very best size for taking my cats or others to the vet, and rectangular in shape.  Sadly, I am down to two, maybe only one, working carriers now, for transport.  Only one if the current one missing is not returned.  Old age, carriers suffer it too, but then I just make them into inside cat beds, when the plastic of the carriers body starts cracking and also breaks so the door won't stay in.  They make great cat beds, even if unsuitable for their intended use.     For transport of my own cats or others to clinics I exclusively use the medium size non clamshell type.   

How many have people stolen by not returning all kinds of equipment, like carriers and traps, over the years?  I lost count.  I remember Vicki of KATA, before she died and KATA closed, said she was at a garage sale in Sweet Home once and saw one of her carriers up for sale on the table.  It was even labeled with KATA and the number.  She marched over and picked it up off the table and headed to her car with it, only to be yelled at by the garage salers.  She turned around and said, "you can't steal something that's already yours" and pointed to the KATA label on the carrier.  The people quickly went silent.

I looked outside right now and its not even raining or windy.  Maybe the storm is subsiding.  


  1. I really, really hope Rogue stabilises. If you can, I would keep him confined for a bit longer. Huge sigh at the cat cage too. Love the story of Vicki reclaiming what was hers.

    1. Vicki could be pretty blunt about things. She had no tolerance near her end for the entitled and thieves.

  2. That sucks. Is there a way to buy more carriers, or are they terribly expensive? Because it sounds like you need to replace yours now.

    As for Rogue, I don't know. Is there a way to give him a limited run of the place? Probably not.

    1. I'll be looking for some more carriers today, in thrift stores, whose prices have also skyrocketed. I often now just use traps as carriers.

    2. Seems like everything here is old and breaking. I've done lots of projects to repair and replace this fall.

  3. Doesn't sound like there are a lot of options for Rogue. Can you call the vet and ask about a timeline for improvement for him?

    1. I'm going to give him more time. I contacted the vet clinic by message but will call if I don't get an answer that way.

  4. I consider warriors for good such as you and Vicki as important role models. I'm sorry Rogue isn't doing better. Confinement seems the best option out of few. ~hugs~ And 'grrrr' about the carrier. Have you noticed that more and more entitled jerks are basically thieves, as well?

    1. I know. The RV park lady won't even respond now. I helped them out and they stole my carrier. Its just all so wrong. Thanks about the warriors for good comment. You're so nice to me.

    2. Anyone not nice to you deserves his or her face pushed in. Wait... That's not so nice of me. Is it? lol


Rain Stops Finally

 We endured a lot of rain.   Pineapple express thing.    Way too much rain.  My yard is sinky mud.  We also had wind.  Fortunately the neigh...