Tuesday, November 01, 2022

What Was I Thinking

 The post on a Lebanon facebook page showed a graphic photo of a badly injured calico.  I hadn't seen it but someone from the RV park way up beyond Sweet HOme sent me a link, which I wish I hadn't seen.

One ER visit with an injured cat would empty the nonprofit's checking account.   

I'm not kidding.  The cost of vet care is astronomical but ER vet care--another ball game altogether, and for people with a lot more money than I or my nonprofit possess.   That's for nonprofits with lots of supporters who jump to help.  That's not HCC.

I talked to the people who live at the tiny RV park where the cat lives and since they had found someone who works at a vet clinic to care for her, I said I'd come try to catch her.

But when I got there it was already dark and pouring rain.  She wasn't hard to find.  She was down in a double board fence.  Boards on both sides.  She was sitting down in it on the 2x4 cross piece the boards attach to, a foot down in.  No way to net her there.  She moved fast too, when she thought someone was too close.  She'd get on top of the fence and run, literally, with the front and rear foot of each side expertly finding the narrow tops of the fence boards on either side.   Amazing to see.

They think the injury happened today and that it was a dog that attacked her.  I only saw a tiny flash of the injury site but immediately wondered, is that breast cancer?  I've never seen breast cancer in a cat so why would I even have that pop into my head.

Anyhow I set a trap but doubtful she'll go in it and they're supposed to call their mom, the people whose trailer its set by, when they go to bed, which is about now, and have her come get the trap because its one of those places where it would be stolen if left out unwatched.   A good share of Lebanon is like that but this area especially.

I drove home with my feet soaked from the rain and the rain pounding down on the car.  I went slow.  

I sent my ballot off today finally.  Later on, I remembered I'd forgotten to vote on two different positions, because I was going to quickly review both candidates first.   Darn it.  Oh well.

The pounding cold rain makes it difficult to get anything done.   I get soaked even going to the mailbox.  Then I have to dry out my shoes and raincoat, which barely repels water for five minutes.   I want to get the old fashioned rain gear I once had that actually keeps water out.  I think its made mostly of rubber.  LIke the fisher people use on the boats.  I had that style before, when I went to Alaska and its the only kind, even though not stylish, to keep a person dry.  It's not water resistant, it's waterproof.

There's been little to do outside of cleaning and I've seen no one I know for a very long time.  I can't even remember, really.

Here's one of the rain showers that came through this afternoon.  


  1. Wow at the rain.
    I hope that poor calico can be helped. By someone who isn't you.

    1. The rain has been quite impressive, in amount falling and its ability to cause general ickiness.

  2. I am still figuring out some of the races on my ballot, too. If I half-believed any of the ads, nobody is fit for office.

    1. They kind of cancel each other out, the ads, in a way, like if all of them would go away, we would be back center and neutral and good.

  3. So sorry to hear about the calico. There's just no money to help so many anymore, it seems like. I'm at that point with my ballot. I have to look up some positions and vote on them. It's about half done, so not too bad at this late date.

    1. I left them a small trap, not as expensive a one as the first one I took over, because its such a high theft area. The guy I left it with, I taught how to use it, so I hope he can catch her. He lives there and doesn't work, so he has the time, that's for sure. Hope he gets her. The mom of another resident says she'll take her to a vet. Anyhow, that's all I can do there. Well, hope you get your ballet in on time. Our mail in system make get tested since post offices here are so short staffed.

  4. That poor kitty! Thanks again for your efforts. My sweet Luna passed away from breast cancer. I've no doubt mentioned her heroic struggle many times.

    That rain gear sounds like just what you need. If gardening in wet weather I'll wear a plastic pancho purchased during a stormy professional baseball game. It's been about a decade since I sacrificed common sense for fashion. lol Hang in there, my dear. ~hugs~

    1. Oh I'd forgotten that about Luna. Yeah fashion isn't practical usually. I had a rain poncho once but in wind, I think I'd need a belt with it. Waterproof shoes too might be nice around here. I"m going to see if they have my size at Bimart. You've probably seen the type I mean. They're rubber to about your ankle then have like floofy lined uppers to just above ankle.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....