Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The Guardian

 I have named the big rig semi cab that parks out front.

The Guardian of the Hood.

I like it, for some odd reason.   It is about as tall as the tallest peak of my house.   It's awesome in its potential.  It's engine is quieter than Mr. Loud and Mr. Louder, my names for the two deisel pickups who park out front sometimes.

I don't mind it one bit.  

My car is in the shop this morning.   I haven't heard a thing from the shop three hours later.  Its appointment, on a cancellation, was at 8:00.  However, this morning, driving it over, it did not do its hesitation upon acceleration thing which its done every morning for the last ten days.  

What could be different, I ask myself.  Well, I put Seafoam in the tank.  I'm very skeptical additives help anything.  Modern gas has plenty of cleaners added in.  I also took it on a high speed jaunt yesterday afternoon.  Did the dual affects of getting the motor up to high rpms plus Seafoam clean out some carbon?  If so, maybe the problem is dirty fuel injectors?  Or dirty fuel filter?  Who knows.  However, I had hoped in my usual in-awe-of-mechanics skill set optimism, to hear back soon, that all is perfect with my beloved little car.  

I hold auto mechanics in about the same esteem as neuro surgeons.  High up there, in other words.   Mechanics, builders, farmers, doctors/nurses---they keep us all going.   Sure I'm a big fan, why wouldn't I be.

 It's the greatest car ever I think.    Just thinking about that car now, I smile in the bliss of wonderful memories and pride.  What could be better than a cheap used car I can sleep in that gets good gas mileage and can carry close to 30 cats off to be fixed, if packed correctly.

I bristle when someone suggests time to dump the wreck and find something else.  It hurts when someone says that, because the car is awesome and how could they not understand that and say move on to something else, like I could anyhow, like its that simple, like I'm fricking rich and can just go pick out another car.  Nor do people realize only certain cars work for me and my low budget--has to get good gas mileage, haul cats and be cheap to repair.   Know what fits all three criteria---my car does!

I bet The Guardian understands.   It towers like an all seeing power above the other vehicles of the block.  

I'll end this post with a photo of the latest of so many neighbor cats in my yard.  I am getting a little tired of people not taking care of their own cats.  I came home from dropping off my car, to see the gray tux and white and black long hair, one owned, one not sure where he belongs, fighting my front yard.   

Just an hour ago, I see this cat in my driveway....


  1. I really, really hope you get good news about your car.

    1. Well, I heard back once so far, and he was ordering two sensors, to put in, see if it makes a difference, then they won't stay in, if they don't make a difference, but he said it might be a vacuum leak that he hasn't been able to locate yet, he said. The parts were to get there at 2:30 and now its 3:00 so I might hear soon if one of those did the trick.

  2. The cats know you're a safe haven :) I know what you mean about your car. I have a '93 Honda, and I'm not ready to look for a newer car.

    1. How many miles on your 93 Honda? Mine is not that old but does have about 240k miles on it. It had about 130k when I got it 5 1/2 years ago now.

  3. Are you feeding all of your neighbors cats?
    Have you met the Guardian's driver?

    1. No, not feeding neighbor cats unless of course they come through the cat door into the garage, where Gigi, who is a neighbors cat, basically lives now. They were not taking care of her. She is currently beat up again by one of the new cats coming into the yard and may need a vet visit. Will the neighbors behind me take her in? Doubtful but I'm going to go talk to them. Yes, I've met the driver and I like him. Have not met his partner yet. She's probably nice like him.

  4. I am so glad you have nice new neighbor's for a change. ~hugs~ And Gigi is fortunate to have found you.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....