Monday, November 21, 2022


 Car is going back to the shop, but one in town here this time, in the morning, on a cancellation.  

I was happy about that.   I don't know what's going on with it now.  It doesn't like to go when I press on the gas at odd times, then will accelerate with some jerking.  But it only does this intermittently, and not after its been driven a few miles.  WTH?

I looked it up and the internet says that is just another symptom of it running lean.  When I saw that, I thought 'shoot' because there are a zillion things that can make it run lean.

Well maybe this shop can figure it out.  After the last visit in October, it did stop pinging on hills.  It'd done the hesitation thing before that visit but it was infrequent and insincere it seemed like in its acceleration delay so I'd dismissed that as not serious and figured fixing the then problem of pinging on hills with dash lights on would fix that too.  No such luck.

Anyhow, I don't even know if its pinging on hills again because I haven't driven hills except the trip right after I got it back from the mechanic with Rogue through the coast range.  Sure the dash lights had all come back on within 25 miles driving from the mechanic shop....but I wanted to believe everything was just fine again.

But it isn't.

I'm trying to think what if I don't have a car, how will I make it, and that's not anything easy to think about.   Stuck here, no way to go anywhere except by begging rides off others.    That's no life, not here where we depend on cars to get even to the grocery store.

For kicks I looked at used Scions online, to see what they're going for and they're for way way too much at high miles.   It's ridiculous the prices of everything now.

My friend who gave me a loan to get the one I have now, off craigslist, died a year ago this month.  I can't believe she's been gone an entire year.   She was my most colorful and outrageous friend and she had a big huge kind heart too.  I'm not sure her family knew how funny and fun she really was.  (away from them, ha!)

Gigi, the garage cat, really owned by the neighbors behind me, now has a sliced up ear.  I don't know who she had a fight with this time, but that white and black long hair is probably the culprit.   He hasn't been very nice lately, going after everybody.   Or maybe she got into the yard next door and now there's a dog back there sometimes, although its one yappy barky dog that's for sure. You can usually hear it coming because its barking its head off.  So I don't think it was the dog.  I don't know how she got beat up.   So I washed her ear up, with soapy towel and dried it and that was enough to get her very happy.  Gigi is not a young cat anymore.

I saw a cat I'd never seen before yesterday morning on the back fences.  Short hair.  Tabby on white, blotchy tabby markings down its white face.  Did the people behind me get another cat I think to myself.  

Well tomorrow I get to spend a years income on my car again.   I love doing that.  Being in debt for a metal horse.  Oh I'm being complainy and awful.



  1. Complain all you like. TOTALLY understandable.

  2. Oh, I hope your car can be fixed. We live in a place where not having a car would be hard, too. There's no bus line for miles around and even the grocery delivery services don't like to come here. They say they do, but they don't because it's too far away from the stores.

    1. Yeah, it is a terrible lifestyle change to be minus a car, even if I could somehow get groceries. The bird lady laments her diminished life now that she can't drive and she at least has tons of family in the area. The dependence on others to get what she needs or go out somewhere besides her house is the worse and with her need to get out or get something comes the patronization by those she asks or depends upon.

  3. I hate being dependent on wheels. Good luck.

    1. It comes with a price but so does not having wheels. I lived a good share of my life without a car and once I finally got one, I had such freedom and options open up!

  4. Ah yes, cars. Can't live without them, can't afford them.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....