Tuesday, November 22, 2022


 Gigi was badly horribly injured by one of the new free roamers in my yard.

I'm not sure which one but I did break up a fight between her and the white and black long hair a few days ago.  Broke up a fight between him and another neighbors cat, in my yard this morning.  I've about had it with neighbors who don't care for their own cats.

When I found Gigi tonight, in the garage, hiding under a blanket, and uncovered her to see that horrible wound, I was shocked and it made me cry.  Her ear looks nearly detached at the base.

I walked around the block to talk to her real owners.  They relinquished her when I asked them to, since they don't even see her there anymore and want her to get vet care but don't want to get vet care for her themselves.  I'm hoping to get her in tomorrow somewhere.   

Then I hope to find her a real home once she gets well, if she does get well.  The wound is terrible.

People around here, many are so mean, I can't even say online how mean some of them are.  That's besides being probably the worst pet owners you could ever imagine.  In whose mind is it ok to let your cats off your property to become someone else's responsibility most of the time?  Without even asking that person.  

All I want to do is cry, really, tonight.  I don't know how to deal with some things.


  1. I am so very sorry to read this. My heart goes out to you and Gigi.

    1. I was very upset, over it all, EC, over neighbors who don't even know if their cats are dead or alive or care, her suffering, all better today, after seeing the vet and her in the bathroom, and hope to find her a loving responsible home.

  2. Free roamers is the key phrase. Free roaming cats are a disaster here for our local wildlife. Cats are quite happy being in restricted areas if fed well, such as you keep yours in. Poor Gigi.I hope she will be ok.

    1. I wish people would keep them in, be responsible. Yes they're completely happy not out there exposed to all kinds of dangers.

  3. Your post made me sad. Then it made me angry. I hope you can be Gigi's savior.

    1. She's doing well, after seeing the vet this morning and now in my bathroom and I hope very much a local rescue will be able to find her a very loving responsible home.

  4. This is so sad. Poor Gigi.

    1. She's doing better. Took her to the vet.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....