Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Gigi Goes to the Vet

 Gigi went to the vet this morning, who cleaned it all up, prescribed pain meds and antibiotics.  

She'll be ok, he reassured me.  

She's in the bathroom now and seems just fine with that.  Keitha's Kitties are going to help me find her a good home, now that she is officially relinquished.

It's kind of awful looking open like that but the vet says it will heal much better that way.

It was an abscess that ruptured out, and gave her pain relief when it drained, probably from the fights with two particularly aggressive neighbor cats.   One, the other, both, hardly matters.  Or something else.  I don't know.

She seems really happy in the bathroom!   But she wouldn't be happy in my general population, have too many a hole cats still, although not that many with so many lost to age related issues in the last two years.  A local rescue will help try to find her a good home.

Anyhow, Gigi will be fine.


  1. Thank you for the update. Lucky Gigi.

    1. She is very lucky. I'm so relieved.

  2. So glad to hear that Gigi will be fine. Thanks for rescuing her.

    1. Thanks. She's doing well, in my bathroom.

  3. Oh, poor Gigi. I'm glad to read that she's on the mend!

  4. Oh good. That wound looks terrible, but as long as the vet said it'd heal, then I won't worry.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....