Saturday, November 26, 2022

Rogue and Gigi Updates

 I took the above video clip of Rogue this morning.   He's doing so well in recovery from his middle ear infection and vertigo.    

He's done it all himself.  I did add some little shelves for him, to make it easier to traverse up to second level beds, without falling.   He stayed ground level on his own, understanding he had safety issues, for two weeks but now can do second level.  His new favorite bed is second level and looks out the front window.

Gigi is beginning to feel her oats, but is very easy to care for in the bathroom.  I didn't expect her to convert so easily to rather confined living, while she recuperates.  I still don't know how I'll find her a home, once she's well.   But we shall cross that bridge later.   

She takes her meds morning and evening and gets a treat each time afterwards.   She went to the vet the 23rd and now its the 26th.  

With Rogue, it seems like forever since I took him to the vet at the coast clinic.  In reality its been just over a month.   Gigi went to the vet the 23rd and today its the 26th.   Again, feels like weeks ago.

When I found her under the blanket in the garage, I smelled the infection before I saw her.  It was that bad.   Now I can't smell it anymore.   Not since the vet cleaned it all out and she's been on antibiotics twice a day.

It's crusting over and closing over too.  It's such a huge hole I can't believe it would fill in, without stitching together but it is.

Anyhow, my nephew and his well travelled wife, inspired me to think I need to go for some trips.  If I can drive 7 hours in one day I can drive 8 hours and make it over to see my brother in Idaho.   Can't do it in the winter because there are too many snow and ice issues between here and there until spring or early summer.   I was very excited at the thought and called my Idaho brother and told him "I'm coming, but not til late spring or summer."   Maybe I can go the scenic route through Prineville and check out the painted hills and maybe even Hells Canyon.   Might be my only chance to see those natural wonders.   Gives me months to find a reliable pet sitter.

I have five spay neuter reservations Monday.  The Lacomb barn folk are after the last two who showed up in their barn after neighbors place was drug busted.  The first five were fixed first of the month.   Then back again to the RV park above Sweet Home for three more females.  There are still a few beyond the three, but I only have five spots and it will be good to finish the Lacomb barn cat group, at least.  The Lacomb folks catch their own and even deliver them here.   That's about the easiest thing on me ever.  I love it.  I do have to make the trip up to the RV park tomorrow to get the girls.   I wanted to try to get girls left done first because I still don't know if and when I"ll get more reservations.


  1. Wonderful news about Rogue and Gigi. And hooray for the Lacomb folks. There should be more people like them.

    1. Wouldn't that make my life too easy though?

  2. Anticipating a trip is always fun. Planning sounds like a good way to spend the winter when you aren't caring for cats.

    1. Yes, hope I'm still healthy then, my brother too.

  3. I'm so happy to read such good news. How exciting to plan a trip! ~hugs~ Best wishes to you and all your sweet charges.

  4. Congratulations on your decision to travel. You deserve it!

    1. Yeah, am excited, got to start saving now, for gas mainly. I eat cheap and can sleep in my car.

  5. Glad your cats are healing up. I'm not surprised Rogue didn't go high when he got released. He probably didn't feel up to it. And yay for locations that catch their own cats. Definitely give them priority on any spots you have.

  6. If she her oats, sound like good news
    Coffee is on and stay safe


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....