Saturday, November 19, 2022


 It's Caturday every day here. 

Here's a few photos....

Shady is very very old and no longer can even hear.  She and Buffy, who is also ancient, are from the same massive colony.  I got 120 fixed between four houses on a dead end street outside Albany, at the request of the vet who had fixed a few for one lady and said its hopeless without someone else getting involved.  Later he apologized, having no idea there were over a hundred cats and kittens. 

They both sleep away most of their days now, in the sun if they can find a spot  We were lucky this morning to get a sunrise, not fog and they both took advantage.

Gracie up above, Shady below


Buffy, dreaming pleasant dreams I hope.

I was so self pleased today.  Yesterday I had cleaned and changed the straw in almost all the cat yard cat beds.  Two to go.  And today I took down the front window blinds and cleaned them in the shower, my preferred method, because its so easy.  I washed the big front windows, cleaned fur off all the cat runs and trees, washed carrier beds and vacuumed out heat vents.   

I'd watched one of those Jamie's 30 Minute Meals shows yesterday and decided to make spaghetti from one of his recipes.  It called for a sauce made of anchovies, tuna, capers, olives, pepper flakes and garlic, besides tomato sauce.   Because I'm trying to get more calcium and Vitamin D along with antioxidants, I already had anchovies and I had tuna because I use it when trapping. problemo.  I eat a few sardines every week.  Started that a few months ago.  They're really good for you and extremely cheap.  Who needs salmon anyway.  Let em spawn, for gosh sakes.  People always are talking on the news there are not enough salmon.  Well,  stop eating them then.   

But I wasn't hungry last night so I made it for breakfast.  Mmmmm very very delicious, quick and easy!  I think it gave me all that energy I needed to do all that cleaning.   I called it a day for doing chores a bit after noon.  I went out to change the spark plugs in my car first before I quit.  To my surprise when I opened the hood, I saw the engine cover is missing.  The bolts were still there, nestled down in vent cracks up near the windshield. 

 I don't know if the mechanic will still have it.  That was a month ago I took it in.  I do want it back.  The engine compartment looks unfinished and dirty without it on.  I left the mechanic's shop a message but they're not open today.  I ended up not changing the plugs.  Instead I went scrounging again, for any deals at stores.  Anything to not work on a car.  I don't like working on my car.  I'd rather do about anything else.  I found coconut milk at the Dollar Store.  I keep forgetting they often have it.  And their price is about a $1.50 cheaper than other stores charge for it right now.  I use it for curry, and on cereal.  I like it.

Yesterday morning, the cat I call Pretty Boy and the black tux, brother of the gray tux, owned behind me and one over, were going at it loudly.  I went out and lectured both of them for some time.   I don't think they listened.


  1. I do hope your engine cover can be returned. And no, Pretty Boy and the Black Tux were not listening to you.

    1. If they haven't lost it, I will get it back Monday. Mechanics get distracted too, I know, and forget things. After watching many videos about all the sensors etc on cars, what they do, how to change them, I'm quite convinced my fuel pump is failing, or the filter attached to it. It all seems to make sense now, even the pinging noise that wasn't quite like pinging, but mainly the hesitation on acceleration that is thankfully still intermittent. I'm wondering what I could take my brother as a gift to maybe get some help changing the pump down there, lol, a bribe. It's not that easy on this car to change, being in the gas tank.

  2. I enjoy your cat pictures, especially the one of Buffy. Cats look so peaceful when they're sleeping. You had such a productive day, and you have inspired me to try to have the same. We'll see how that works out. :)

    1. They are so beautiful when totally relaxed and sleeping, like their souls are laid out in peaceful bliss. Like a childs'.

  3. Over 100 cats... Yikes. That must have been a chore. And it must have been satisfying once you were able to complete it. I'm glad they found the sun today.

    1. 120 some, lost track, but it was many many years ago. I'll tell i was just glad to get it done and get out of there. Neighbors who hate one another, blame one another, I'm so tired of that sort of scenario, trying to play peacemaker between neighbors so I can get the job done and get the hell out. Lol. You probably weren't expecting that kind of response.

  4. Oh, wow. What happy sleeping kitty faces. Doing what you do is beyond commendable. Just dealing with hateful people to help all these cats makes you a mĕnsh in my opinion. Best wishes on your car, my dear.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....