Thursday, November 17, 2022

Not Much Going On

 Not much going on here.  

New neighbors are moved in, moving vans gone, but the big rig truck cab still sits out front of my place.  Maybe its a permanent fixture now.  I don't know.  I tell people its my new ride, that my car was too small for me and I needed something bigger.  Something house size.  Something that could pull a house.

Yeah, I paid for it on a credit card, so what.  Everybody does that.

I'm decorating it for Christmas by the way.  Just wait, you won't believe how Christmas cheery it will make the block.  I'll need ladders for that.   The darn things' taller than my house I think.

Ok, I'm cracking myself up.

Its been cold here, down under 30 last few nights.  Warms up by mid to late afternoon some.

Just before it gets dark, and freezes over again.

The young Coopers Hawk showed up twice now, early morning, looking for a meal.  Maybe a chicadee or better, a mourning dove.  He or she looked miserably cold the other morning.  Had one foot tucked into his down under belly.  I would too.  Going barefoot when its below freezing?

The birds vanished before he showed.   My silent yard, when it was so chirpy happy.  Today, the birds returned so Cooper H. must be out of the area for now.   No doubt he or she will be back.  This can't be the same Coopers Hawk who used to come to my cherry tree routinely, to watch for birds to catch and eat.   So is this a relative I think?  An offspring?  Is this info passed along?  Or do the hawks know to watch for bird feeders and plant themselves near one?  Lot easier to be sneaky about it before the leaves fall.

Must be a pain to have to go out every single day to find your food even when its freezing or pouring or you're sick or hurt.  Must not take much to tip you back far enough, you become the next meal for something else.  Brutal world for most living things.

Gigi has taken to sleeping under a blanket I have on a chair in the garage, to keep her face warm.   She rarely leaves it except for the short time it warms enough to go outside but even then.....she's back in her coveted blankee chair soon.  I think the weather pattern changes soon back to rain.   

Yesterday, did I imagine the car refusing to accelerate immediately when I pushed the gas pedal, then jerking when it finally would speed up?  I don't think so.  It's been doing that off and on for several months.  Yesterday's little hickup was a litter worse than usual.  Today it ran ok.  I went out in worry mode and got new plugs and a can of seafoam injector cleaner.  Maybe it helped, probably didn't.   

Not much going on around here.


  1. If the rig stays there, it would serve them right if you did decorate it for Christmas.

    1. LOL! It was gone half hour after I wrote the original post. I am SOO disappointed. It was like a neighborhood oddity and being parked in front of my house, I felt it was my oddity in a way.

  2. Fortunately the hunting mostly happens in the air and we don't normally see what happens.

    1. I am happy I don't have to see the hunt and results with most bird to bird predations. Lots of it goes on. I do see, hear the viscious mating fights that go on with the birds in the spring. That's bad enough.

  3. At our old house, the neighbor was a truck driver for a while, and we would have big trucks parked nearby. They didn't block our driveway, so I guess that was okay, but I didn't like the noise of them. On the plus side, he would occasionally bring us something that he had been delivering like snack cakes.

    1. I don't think its going to be a problem. He took off in it last night and I haven't seen it since. Maybe on a haul. I have an affection for truckers, have known some really nice ones.

  4. Sometimes bird watching is all there is. That's good. Better than having something to worry about. I hope the car continues to run.

    1. I do like watching the birds. if its too cold or wet, I sit in my car and watch them.

  5. Semi truck drivers are so important for our economy. :D But I understand their engines can be annoying. Blessings, my dear.

    1. I love it. And have named it "The Guardian of the Hood". It's far quieter than the two diesel pickups who like to park in front of my place. Mr. Loud and Mr. Louder.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....