Sunday, October 23, 2022


 I moved Rogue into my bathroom.

He's still very disoriented, spacially.  His right eye is now draining, so maybe its an infection.

A friend was able to get an appointment Thursday at her vet for him. Thank goodness.  Mine couldn't see him--staffing short.

This morning I gave him sub cu fluids, but I'll need to get another bag now from the vet.

He's too vertigo'ed to want to eat or drink.

A cat friend who lives on the coast told me she had two cats who got vertigo within a short span of time.  Both were better in two or three weeks, but wobbled, tilted and fell over a lot in the meantime.  I had no idea cats get vertigo sometimes.  It could be caused by something bad, but for now, we're on hold, waiting for the vet appointment and hoping he improves.

Poor little guy.  He's old but chubby.  His right eye wasn't draining when this began.

Our weather here switched about 20 to 25 degrees.  Wasn't it a week ago it was mid 80's here?  This week we may not get to 60 and its been raining, which we do need.

I'm resistant to switching from my sandals I've worn for months every day to actual shoes.   Shoes feel so confining and make me hot.  I do not like wearing shoes.

There's so little light during the day its hard to get a lot done outside.  My car rides better with new shocks.  I haven't taken it on hills to find out if the pinging has stopped.   I won't be making a trip to Salem even for two more weeks.  My brothers keep asking if its fixed now, but I don't know and won't until I hit the hills south of Salem on the 7th, with cats. 

 The dash lights are mostly off now at least.   It was the O2 sensor changed again in the end, not the Mass Air Flow sensor.   The sensor cost more than the two rear shocks.  I am thrilled to have new shocks on the back.  The vet visit for Rogue will set me back too.   I get a little financially panicked at times, in these new times of sky high prices for everything.  Most everyone I know is struggling with the prices, not just me, which in a way, makes me feel a bit better over it.  I went to the Grocery Outlet yesterday to get chicken thighs for my super old man cats Comet and Soloman.  They won't be around much longer.   They had gone way up!  The package that is usually $5 something to $6 something is now $8 something.   That changed since I was there two weeks ago!


  1. You do have friends and family who care about you. This makes me happy. Maybe you would be better to go barefoot and preg... just barefoot.

    1. I would sure like to actually see my brothers, but I do talk to them on the phone. I wouldn't mind being barefoot constantly but pregnant? Would be tough since I'm long spayed. Ha!

    2. ~snicker~

      Meanwhile, I too am glad your brothers converse with you. Be well, my dear.

  2. I'm glad that you were able to get an appointment for Rogue. He sounds miserable.

    1. He is. At this point, I"m not sure it will turn out well for him.

  3. I'm hoping to get him an appointment sooner than Thursday, but am a little bit afraid of what might be found and what that might mean for him.

  4. Poor Rogue. And poor you.

  5. I hope the vet is able to figure out what's wrong with Rogue and he heals up. That would be nice. Can you do the old socks and sandals trick? Or is it too cold? I'm not fond of real shoes, so I was getting all mules. Not quite sandals, but the open in the back makes it feel less like full on shoes.

    1. Well, he had an abscess and it suddenly drained today after I gave him sub cu fluids. But he needs to get on antibiotics and I can't even tell where the puncture is. It was a massive amount of pus that drained. He's much better, but it will likely close off again. I may be headed to the coast clinic tomorrow. It may be the only place I can get him in fast.

  6. Rogue looks like a sweetie. I, too, had no idea that cats could develop vertigo. How bizarre! May he be well soon.
    I've become a Birkenstock wearer champion. Even when the weather is a chilly I'll pop on the Birks. Closed shoes now feel a bit constricting, to be honest.

    1. He's a wild boy, loves catnip and chicken, is not aggressive whatsoever to other cats and has many friends here. I used to have some Birkenstocks, long time ago. There are no more comfortable sandals I don't think. I agree on closed in shoes feel restrictive. Birkenstocks with socks in the winter---classic Oregon foot decor.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....