Thursday, July 21, 2022

So Long Crabtree Kitten Crew


So long Powder and Wilson, Dory and Rory.   Gonna miss ya.

Cora, their mom, is gone too.  I took her home this afternoon after Silverton Cat Rescue picked up the kittens.  (sad face)

Here's one last video.  I struggled to get dressed mornings and evenings in my bathroom as the kittens claimed my clothes.  

One last photo of Cora, on her way home.  She was quite worried over it, but was very happy to be home.   

My duty is done for these five wonderful cats.  But Silverton Cat Rescue's journey with them has just begun.   They'll be with them for several weeks, until they are big enough to be fixed and put up for adoption.

They are lucky kittens, to find a placement with a rescue in our overwhelmed current environment.

I will miss them all.

We will have a heat wave, with temps in high 90's to 100's starting Sunday.  I don't mind the heat.


  1. Anonymous4:25 PM

    They have grown so quickly and are looking so healthy.

  2. Thank you for the huge difference you have made to this family.
    Stay cool, stay safe.

    1. I hope they'll get great homes, once old enough. I'll try to stay cool next week! Coincidentally the three spay neuter spots I got two months ago, at the FCCO, are next Thursday, the day its supposed to be 100 degrees. I don't dare cancel, because they've now closed off new appointments. You can't even try til mid August, for October and beyond. So three appointments are as valuable as gold. The intense weather forecast for next week will certainly make it a challenge to catch even three cats.

  3. You've made a difference. I hope the kittens end up in great homes.

  4. Cora looks so much better in the short time she was with you. She should have a better life now. And hopefully, the kittens are going to a good life, too. If I lived closer, I would be tempted to take one. Good thing I don't live closer because I don't think my two elderly cats would welcome a kitten at this point in their lives.

    1. Ha! I know my oldies really seemed to resent the kittens, mainly because the bathroom door was closed to them. They hate that. Thank you, Cora did gain quite a bit of weight while here, which is good. I wish you could have taken one of them though. Then I would get to see them grow up and old on your posts!

  5. It seem like the entire Northwest finely warmed up.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


Last Trip to Lake?

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