Monday, July 25, 2022


 It's 98 degrees right now and its almost 7:00 p.m.

Smolder went to the vet today to get his dental and got all his remaining teeth pulled.

I had to put him in the bathroom for the night, to keep him from eating.  He did cry me to sleep but I finally tuned it out and did sleep.

This morning his sliding canine was pretty much ready to come out on its own, but I left it alone and the vet pulled it out along with his other remaining teeth--only five left.  Most of his teeth had already been pulled back in 2016 at the coast clinic.

As you can see, the canine is falling out as we wait for the vet this morning.

I came back home after leaving him at the vet, got my kayak, went to Lebanon, loaded it and my chair and a lunch I'd quickly made into my friends pickup and we went to the lake.    Sure it was hot, but it didn't get that hot til we were almost ready to leave.   I kayaked some, but mostly swam and sat or dozed in my zero gravity favorite lawn chair of all time.

On the way home, picked up Smolder at the vet clinic.  I really love this clinic.  They are professional, organized and kind.   I feel confident when I go there that the cats will be treated with compassion.

My neighbor was outside watering her plants when I got home finally and she lamented the heat and that this weekend is their big moving garage sale.   Yes, it will be hot for that.  I have been trying to think of a way to make it more pleasant for them.  (cooler).  To be brutally honest I barely notice heat in the 90's.  I don't mind it one bit, but I pretend I do, so I don't seem more like some freak instead of a rain born Oregonian.

Born in Oregon but love the heat.   I admit it.

I'll leave you with some peaceful lapping water at the lake and sorry Andrew, nothing happened of note there today except for some very relaxing time spent in the water and on a beach napping.


  1. My son in Medford text me, 107 there.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Very peaceful sounds of lapping water.
    I had to look up zero gravity chair. Interesting.

    1. I love them, Andrew. I used one for two years as my cheap recliner and routinely fell asleep in it. Now I have it in the garage and summers I take it to the lake with me and otherwise enjoy it out in the yard.

  3. Thank you on Slinko's behalf. I am glad that you enjoy the heat AND that you got to spend time by the lake.

    1. Smoldie is doing well two days after his dental.

  4. Napping while listening to lapping water sounds wonderful. I do mind the heat, more than my husband, and that can cause problems sometimes in deciding what we're going to do.

    1. It's a blessing to go with my friend, so I don't just kayak, I lounge now, in my chair, then go out for another little kayak venture, come back and lounge some more. Since she doesn't kayak it has made the lake days very very relaxing.

  5. Hey, a relaxing day at the lake is what you needed. It's good it wasn't more "interesting". So, how does Smolder eat without teeth?

    1. He eats just fine. Just like me, I don't have that many teeth left, not chewing ones. He hasn't need his tearing biting canines for a long long while, leading the cush life as he does and long neutered. Cats without teeth even eat dry food just fine. The lake was wonderful to just doze the day away sometimes getting in the water.


Last Trip to Lake?

 I went to the lake yesterday.  It was supposed to get up to near 80 by late afternoon.  I checked the reservoir level first, to make sure I...