Monday, July 18, 2022

Various Lake Disasters

 I went up to the lake today.  

It was very windy and the lake was white capping.

Oh well, I thought, and launched anyhow.

There was a man with his pickup backed down one ramp to near the water.  No boat trailer.  No kayaks.  I saw a hose extending out of the back of his truck.  I was confused.  Immediately he began to get nervous over me watching.  I backed down the other ramp next to him, dock between us, staring.  At that point he pulled a pump out of the water, with a shorter hose in the water.   Shit, I thought.  Is he pumping water from the lake to something in his truck or pumping something crappy out of his truck into the lake.   He quickly left, and I could not see into the back of of his truck, so I don't know.  I thought it was shady.   But maybe he was just filling an RV water tank from the lake or something.  He had an electric line hooked to the pump.  

I found my little friend, the wayward dock float.   I thought Ok, I'll just tow that back.  Right.   It's longer than my kayak.

I did let the parks department know, the first time I found it, in a different place, that it was out there.  I thought they would want to retrieve it, since they're not cheap.    The response was stunning, all about staffing shortages and how they can't keep up on everything all the time.   I sent an apology and said I wasn't complaining, just thought they would like to know, because these items, the dock float and a picnic table, are expensive.  The response came again.  I was told the dock float was a swimming platform and supposed to be there.  At that point, I gave up.   

So, the lake was rough, white capping, but the whitecaps diminished a little once I headed back to the boat ramp.   As I approached the ramp, a speed boat launched with so many people on board I wondered how it stayed afloat.  Also, a man and woman were launching two sit inside kayaks.

I headed to the little beach, to pull up my kayak and walk up to the bathroom.  When I got back, the overloaded speed boat was out across from the boat ramp doing big wake stuff.  Its fun to watch these boats create a huge wake a few feet behind the boat.   A person then gets off the back of the boat standing up on a small surfboard, holding a very short ski rope.  Once they catch the wave, they throw the ski rope back into the boat and surf that huge wake wave a few feet behind the boat.  

However, you don't create massive waves across from a boat ramp, where people are trying to load and launch boats.  The massive waves they created on the shore there were unbelievable and tipped over one of the two kayakers, whose kayak flipped upside down.   I offered help to him getting it to shore but he waved me off, said he'd manage.

I thought to myself those big wake surfers in the boat were either completely ignorant of causing chaos at the boat ramp or they just didn't care.

The other thing at the boat ramp was a left behind fishing pole with line still out.  It was there the entire time I was out kayaking so I finally pulled in the line so nobody would tangle in it, and left the pole beside the big gulp cup that had also been there the entire time.

The forest was pretty along the bank.

This is the duck log.  I named it that.  It's been around a long long time and often is used as a day roost or perch for various ducks.

Lewis Creek swim area

Sadly, the shorts I've worn forever when kayaking came apart, unraveled along two different seams while I was there today.  Thank goodness I didn't get stopped by a cop for anything on the way home.  

Rough and white capped but at least I went.  I didn't stay long.


  1. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Nice photos. One day you'll go to the lake and there will be nothing to write about, but not yet. Your craft rocking in the water is making me sleepy.

    1. I have gone to the lake this summer and wrote nothing about it because it was just a day at the lake. Today was kind of strange.

    2. I enjoyed your post about your day at the lake. I also enjoyed Andrew's comment, which set me to imagining the post you would write. "I just got to the lake, and it seems pretty boring... I've been here an hour, and it's still boring... Three hours have passed, and god but I'm bored... Five hours have gone by, and I'm going out of my mind with boredom... Six hours,have elapsed, and I think the boredom is giving me PTSD... It has now been seven hours, and I'm leaving for home while I still have enough sanity to drive. I'm home now, and I hope you got more out of my post than I got out of my stupid boring day at a boring stupid lake in the stupid boring state of stupid Oregon.

    3. That made me laugh, Snow. I haven't been back, since ripping my kayak shorts and also that day, if I didn't mention it, the seat strap broke. Finding another pair of shorts hasn't been so easy, since seems many stores now have fall items out.

    4. Peggy and I clothes shop much, but when we do, it's at St. Vinnies or Goodwill. Have you looked at those places? By the way, in case you haven't been to either for awhile, their prices have shockingly gone up.

    5. I haven't been to to St. Vinnies in awhile. I used to get most of my books there, as they have an excellent well organized book section at the one here. I'm not surprised Goodwill has hiked their prices again. I have cheaper thrift stores here to frequent and now.....YARD Sales!!! If I could only stay away, but they are my obsession, like treasure hunts.

    6. I went to Walmart for groceries and discovered they were having huge clothing sales, like $1 and $3 items. So I got some long light stretch jeans and cut them off to use as shorts. $5 and they work great.

    7. One thing that I like about St. Vinnie's is that the clothes I buy MIGHT have been made in a sweatshop, but if I buy clothes dirt cheap somewhere else, I KNOW they were made in a sweatshop because if they weren't, they wouldn't be so cheap. Yet, the prices at places like St. Vinnies and Goodwill have gone up to the point that I've no doubt but what you got your new clothes at Walmart cheaper than used clothes would have cost you at a charity store. I don't know what the thrift stores are thinking that they would, almost overnight, run up their prices by as much as 300%.

  2. The forest looks lovely.
    Sigh at the self entitled who seem to thrive the world over...

    1. Was a strange day up there, EC.

  3. I wonder what that guy was pumping or dumping. It's too bad you couldn't report him to someone. The entitlement amongst some people...

    1. Well I'm not sure he wasn't filling something in his truck with water, just don't know. He left so fast when I arrived. I'm wondering if it was he who left the fishing pole with the line out, in his haste to leave.


Last Trip to Lake?

 I went to the lake yesterday.  It was supposed to get up to near 80 by late afternoon.  I checked the reservoir level first, to make sure I...