Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Slinko's Mouth

 I'm so relieved for Slinko.  

Here's his upper left canine.  He had all three remaining canines removed.  Look at the tip!  Poor guy!  He should feel so much better.  Also that upper left premolar went, and what looks like some incisors.

His mouth pain has been so bad.  He had those five teeth pulled late December in an emergency walk in appointment at the coast clinic.   After that, his crying out when eating ended.  That is until late February.  Then it began again.

I got in at another clinic then, in April with him.  But that vet said she found nothing wrong with his teeth or mouth and no sign of cancer.  Yet the symptoms continued and got even worse.

Because of what she said, I had terrible thoughts and worry I would lose him, that it was something like throat cancer or bone cancer, something like that or even a dislocated or broken jaw joint.

When the Lebanon clinic was able to get him in so quickly, today in fact, I was both happy and scared.  I was scared I was going to lose him, that they'd find something awful wrong.

But when they called this morning after an exam, and said he needed his remaining six teeth pulled, relief flooded me and all the tension built up left me.

So I pick him up at 5:00 today and I'm just so thrilled he'll be coming home and hopefully now, without pain, after he recovers.

It would be a perfect day if the dryer part comes today.  The appliance repair store in Lebanon ordered it and said it could come in today, depending on USPS delivery.   I laughed when she said that, and said I wouldn't expect it today, given the difficulty of getting anything delivered on time, but would be happy if it happens.   

Anyhow, its a beautiful day.   

Yeah Slinko's an old man now and sure, he can be obnoxious and a pain in the butt but I love him.


  1. I am so very happy for you and for Slinko. Definitely good news. And yes, it would be the icing on the cake if the dryer part arrives today too. Here's hoping...

    1. No dryer timer today. I hope it comes tomorrow. Slinko is on the road to a much better future.

  2. So will Slinko be on a completely wet food diet now? Or do you think he'll try to gum at some kibble too?

    1. There's always wet food out here. I have some other toothless wonders, but yes, once healed, toothless cats eat dry food as well, no problem.

  3. Anonymous3:37 PM

    It must be awful for any animal to suffer tooth pain and not be able to do anything about it. Fortunately Slinko had you to look after him.

    1. I'm happy he'll be soon much better.

  4. I hope he's now out of pain. Terrible that he has no teeth, but pain is much worse.

  5. Sound like Slinko is on his way to heal.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. Good days are ahead for Slinko. So happy to hear that.

    1. Yes they are. He's already doing better.

  7. We sure love our old man cats.

    1. Oh man, I do too, and I'm looking forward to just a restful weekend, reading and lazing with my old gals and guys here. It's supposed to pour again, so that's a good excuse to do nothing with the cats.


End of Warmth

 We had some nice days.   But the heat is gone. We'll be in the 60's again for awhile, with perhaps some drizzle. I love the heat.  ...