Friday, May 13, 2022


 Spring has been cancelled. 

By winter.   

On goes the pouring rain, with no end in sight.

Now all the forecasters are battling over whether our summer will be wet and cool or not.   That would be our luck here.  They all want to say why they're right and some other long term forecast will be wrong.  Good luck on that, weather people.   

Some people here seem to want that sort of summer.   Like pious converts to the we deserve to suffer doctrine.  Not me.  I want sun and heat.

The Albany people with about 10 or 11 unfixed cats cancelled out for today with the FCCO.   I did get a giveaway appointment late last night at the Salem clinic and convinced them to get one contained.  They're late night people, so was easy.  She was spayed today.   

Young and pregnant, but pregnant no more.  No, I didn't know she was pregnant.  But every female cat now is in heat, lactating or pregnant. Yeah, Republican religious control freak zealots, they were aborted.   But don't worry, there are five or so more at same house pregnant and no more spay neuter spots.  Maybe you can all support them, actually care about them once born and help get them fixed and find them homes, along with the 30 zillion other kittens about to be born.  That should make you feel ever so profetus.   Ha!  Just fooling around.

I'm laying off now, you see.  I have the five appointments Monday but I gave all five to the Harrisburg trailer park cats living around the vet students trailer.  

There are so many unfixed cats in this county alone, me taking a few months off won't really affect much of anything.  the clinic is booked now into August.   

I could have gotten at most, if lucky, 20 to 30 spay neuter reservations the entire summer.   The three individuals in Cascadia, just three people have a pregnant cat, an in heat cat and a mom with five kittens.  That's 8 unfixed cats between just 3 people.   Soon to be even more.   The numbers are impossible and people unwilling to even get them fixed when they don't have to lift a finger in effort or lay out a dime.  

There's that.  There's also the fact our state regulates and charges fees to small rescues trying to solve the problem but doesn't charge or regulate breeders, who make the problem worse or create common sense laws to address overpopulation, like mandatory spay neuter for companion animals over four months old, if they leave your property, for any reason.  And absolutely no rehoming of puppies and kittens unless fixed first.   

The wah wah people would scream about reproductive rights for their pets, the right to cause so much suffering and death, the right to overflow shelters and neighborhoods....

So, without guilt, I quit for the summer.  But....will there be any decent weather to be had this summer and if so, will it be so few days that everyone in this area will try to cram all recreation into those few days resulting in horrendously over clogged areas and even worse congestion?  Well I don't know the answer to that.

The date the reservoir can be filled is this weekend.  There should not be a problem with that this year, with all the rain, running into streams, running into rivers above the reservoirs.   I'm hoping anyhow.

I am beginning to think this everlasting wet and gray is forever now.  Maybe we do deserve it.


  1. I hope your spring (and summer) returns. Soon.

  2. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Have you ever thought of prayer for good weather? So many in your country pray and send thoughts and prayers, maybe there is something in it.

    1. Thoughts and prayers, the most common comment and indication of complete detachment from reality or care, of a nation. No, I've not tried that for sunny weather. I could also try a sun dance?

  3. I'm thinking of a song I learned in scouts, "Old Man Gray Chief, Maker of the rain cloud, Hear, oh, hear our cry, Hear our cry for sunshine, Hear our cry for moonlight,... Maybe that could be your prayer, of sorts.

    1. Ha! I do dream about sunshine. Does that count?

  4. It's a shame that the rainy weather can't go somewhere where they really need it.

  5. The drought-ravaged southwest will willingly take all of your rain. Seriously. We've hit the part of the year where it just doesn't rain, and it won't until earliest October, but likely not until November if even then. Sigh.

    Take the summer off. You've done what you can. And it is a lot. Sure, you didn't get the problem solved, but you can't solve it yourself. Every little bit helps, even if it doesn't seem like it does.

    1. I know the drought is bad in AZ and NM and parts of CA. It is too bad rain or water somehow can't be directed or piped or trained or something to where its needed. Thanks about summer. I will enjoy this summer, rain or sun.

  6. It's a shame the rain can't go some place that really needs it.

    1. It really is a shame. I see the massive rainstorms and flooding that also happen in the south and east and think when I see them, too bad that water can't be piped to CA somehow, that's efficient. And now our rivers are excessively swollen and rushing it all to the ocean and we're not even saving it for a rainless day behind reservoirs here. If it could only be saved or go where needed....

  7. I remember last June it got up into the 100's
    Coffee is on and stay safe


End of Warmth

 We had some nice days.   But the heat is gone. We'll be in the 60's again for awhile, with perhaps some drizzle. I love the heat.  ...