Sunday, January 30, 2022

Fixed Park (for now)

 I think everyone is fixed at the park right now.  Cats that is.   Probably is some sort of curse to even say that.

Last year, I caught quite a few newbies at the park. Klaus, a brown tabby boy, fixed in July.  Jasper, a black male, fixed in July too.  And Buffy, along with her two boy kittens caught and fixed last July, in the heat wave.   Buffy and her boys went to KATA for placement.  The residential man feeding Klaus found him a home too.

I took Klaus to be fixed early summer last year,
then later on in the summer, ran into him along the trail and took his photo.
The residential couple who fed him, however,
found him a home late fall.  I hope he's doing ok.

Jasper was fixed last July. 
He got into a trap when I was after Buffy and her kittens, back in the brush,
during a heat wave. 
Jasper was fixed and returned and spends most of his time in town.

I caught Buffy and one of her boys, got her fixed and returned her. 
Her boy went to KATA.  But then she went in a trap again,
when I was after her 2nd boy, also an orange tabby and Lisa of KATA said to keep her,
she'd find her a home.  So Lisa took both boy kittens and Buffy their mom.

This is  the 2nd orange tabby kitten I caught in the brush.  Buffy's boys.  

Skagway, left behind by homeless campers, was found terribly injured and had to be euthanized.

The tame mom and her two kittens, seen dumped by an overweight man in a white older SUV, were found and went to Safehaven.

Took me awhile, and quite a lot of stress to find and save the last kitten dumped.

The mom and first kitten came right out after being dumped by that a-hole.

I caught the four kittens, their mom and long hair orange tux male to boot, too, and the kittens are now here.

Princess, the young torti mom caught last fall, mom to the four teens.  

Caught King, this old orange tux male, same time,
and since he'd needed neutered forever, he got neutered finally.

Phantom and Tball before retrap. I retrapped them because I got warned there
was a cougar seen nearby.  The only thing that warning did was make go 
back and spend nights there til I caught the kittens again.  I 
couldn't stand the thought of a cougar eating them alive.

Phantom is quite expressive with her ears.

Misha, when I first caught her.

And Little Dragon, who has turned into a glorious funny play machine.

I think that's it.  15 more cats caught at the park last year alone.  I had thought I first caught Parker, the black tux, back in March of 2021, but it was actually March of 2020.  Rocky, who is still around too, seen sometimes that is, I caught to be fixed in December of 2019.  

Parker, when I took him to be fixed in March of 2020.

Phantom has not escaped the cat yard again, thank goodness, but is making herself scarce.  That bothers me, since she's cuddley cute when she wants to be and I want to hug her.

I have been working on making the cat yard better.  I placed 8 more ft sq. size stones in some of the places its gotten so muddy and icky this winter, setting them in sand and gravel.   I made another push up, as I call it, to hold up the wire.  I have three up already.  8 foot 2"x2"'s with a small square board attached at the top.  I wedge them between the ground and the cat yard wire above to hold it up.  They are very easy to make and work very well too.  A simple solution.  Home Depot now wants $4 for one 8 ft. 2x2 of questionable quality.  I make the quality remark because I had to paw through at least two dozen of them to find one that wasn't split, terribly crooked, full of knots or half missing on one side.  If they're going to sell them for that much each, they need to weed out the bad product before putting them out to sell.

I did find a nice carpet remnant for just over $6 and will start to resurface some of my shoddy cat trees. 

Small remnant pieces at the Habitat Store were going for $20 and I couldn't tell if they were remnants or used.  I don't want used carpet pieces as they stink in ways only a cat can smell.   $20 is excessive at a restore for a small remnant.   

I finally washed my very dirty car.  Looks bright and shiny now.

Well today it warms up and rain returns.   


  1. I hope that Fixed Park stays that way for quite some time - but have my doubts.
    You are right about Phantom's ears too. Very, very expressive.

    1. Ha! On the fixed park staying fixed. I'd be shocked silly if that was the case. And happy!

  2. It must feel good to complete a colony. Great work!!

    1. This is a never ending project due to the number of people who dump animals at the park, or leave them when camping. Its only temporarily finished, lol.

    2. I know that an area is never truly done, but a little breather is good. :)

    3. A breather is very good indeed.

  3. My car stayed clean for about three days. lol Poor Skagway. Thank you so much for your efforts. I wish we could somehow make dumping animals impossible. Grrr...

    Best wishes, my dear.

    1. That too is a constant struggle, keeping the car clean.

  4. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Your push ups sound good, rather than just a pole that in time would spear through the wire.

    1. They're nice and easy to make, Andrew, and I can take them down if needed, to let the wire sag for fixing, or whatever.

  5. You completed the task. For now. Sad that people just leave their cats like that. At least they didn't leave them in a box under a tire under a SUV in a parking lot just waiting for someone to back over them. (True story. The kittens were found before disaster and now have a nice home.)

    1. Oh thank goodness on those kittens. That was really mean of someone to do that. Was it you who found them?

    2. My SIL. I think it was just one kitten, now that I think about it. Their other two were found in a dumpster.

  6. I am so glad all those sweet kitties have you watching out for them. Great job!

    1. Thanks Martha. I've been trying to keep the park "fixed" for a lot of years, but it takes constant vigilance. Every year more are dumped there, or, even more commonly, abandoned by homeless campers.



 Sunday I was so slow getting going after the late night Saturday. But after cleaning litterboxes, giving KMR to kittens, feeding the ferals...