Monday, January 03, 2022

Car is Running

 The alternator on my car was replaced today.  It still needs two new belts and that will be done next week.  For now, I have it back and the alternator is once again charging the battery.   Nice!

New alternator will solve my ever dimming headlight issue.   Ha.

The rain we are having is intense and flood watches are up all over.   So far the park isn't closed from flooding, probably because of the dams above it, still able to keep control of the deluge.  The wind and rain were severe enough to wake me in the night with the sheer noise of the pounding and roaring.

Starry goes to the vet on Friday.  She has a lump under her chin on one side.  Hopefully its a dental issue and the lump an enlarged lymph node from infection.   We shall see.  This vet is at one of the local clinics I use if I can.  Starry too is elderly.  

I had an appointment for her in late October, for dental care, but then she got away from me, during the "containment" phase, early early morning before I headed out.  There was no finding her then, in my maze of cat runs.  She was supposed to be the easy one.

Gigi, a.k.a. Garage Girl, really owned by the neighbors, is out of the rafters and lounging on my own garage lounge chair, as you can see.   She's much better, after sustaining a wound, either fighting or some other way, on her throat.  For two weeks, I climbed up into the rafters with food and water for her.  Then suddenly she was down and much better.

Gigi is truely Queen of the Garage

I got a very nice update from ARCF.  I'd posted a memory that popped up on Facebook about Fluffy, whom was dumped in the park.  I trapped him near Christmas two years ago, took him to the coast clinic for dental care, then he went to ARCF, for adoption.  He was adopted by someone who fosters for them.  That person changed his name to Aspen and now Aspen has taken over the care of foster kittens and is known as Uncle Aspen.

I was surprised to see that he had an ear tip already.

Fluffy after he appeared at the park in the brush

ARCF's Carma sent me the above photo and the two below.  Fluffy, now Uncle Aspen, and his foster kittens.

Really made me happy to see these after photos.


  1. Gigi, looks like a queen. It seem yellow cats pretty much are top cats.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. You are quite right, she is a Queen. You can tell just by looking at her. She needs a crown.

  2. That is a lovely update about Uncle Aspen.
    Glad you have your car back - and good luck with Starry. Fingers crossed it is dental issues - and that she agrees to go to the vet this time.

    1. It's a huge relief to have a car again. I'm hoping Starry is ok too.

  3. Anonymous12:49 AM

    It is nice to read of positive things but don't feel the need to gloss over the negative.

    Alternator fixed. Belts will be replaced.

    Gigi is good and Uncle Aspen was dropped into a good life. There won't always be successes but you do rack up plenty.

    1. Thanks Andrew. I try to stay out of the negative but sometimes I can't.

  4. I love the pictures of Uncle Aspen and the kittens. Those pictures made me happy, too.

    1. Oh, they really made a difference to my mood, to receive those when I did. Especially from Carma. She's in Portland and what has happened to her recently isn't nice. First her pickup was stolen. Then the catalytic converter on her car was cut off, while her car was in her driveway. Now she has a very expensive repair on that. She got her pickup back, found in a homeless camp, but it was totally trashed, windows broken, full of trash, needles and human waste. Insurance company owns it now, she says. This kind of crime never used to happen where she lives. (Portland) She is such a good person, running a cat rescue, just isn't right.

    2. We have a friend who lives in Portland and he says that it has really changed and that homelessness is a big problem.

  5. So glad to hear that your car issue was an easy fix.

  6. This post made me happy, for sure! But then I read your reply to L&L. How horrible for anyone, let alone such a kind person.

    I wish you both all the best.

    1. Makes me angry, what happened to her. Then a Portland friend tells me tonight, some guy came into their workplace, an office, wandered around, stole her purse and coat on the way out. They all ran after him, but they zoomed off in probably a stolen car. Her license, credit cards, everything, she's had to cancel everything and be in limbo til she gets replacements. He already tried to use her cards at a Home Depot, but they were already cancelled.



 Sunday I was so slow getting going after the late night Saturday. But after cleaning litterboxes, giving KMR to kittens, feeding the ferals...