Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Dead Car

 As if on cue, when I get the new range, so I  can cook again, the car broke down. 

Sort of.   For a few days now, if I drive somewhere, a short distance, then come home, if I try to start the car again within an hour, it won't start.  Doesn't even click.

It will start again when it cools down.  I think the starter is going out.  The starter on my other car went out at about the same number of miles on the car.   

I was going to go to Lebanon and leave my car at my friends house and go with her to the lake today, just to float around on my tube for awhile.  It was 85 today, for gosh sakes.  Why not enjoy every moment of summer possible?  It's been a lovely summer after the heat waves quit coming, beautiful weather, although some would have liked to see it rain.

I backed down my driveway, to go, but a chewy order had come.  I turned off the car, got out and took the box around to put in the garage.  When I came back, the car wouldn't start.   I tried and tried.   Finally I called my friend and told her, "she won't start".   She came and got me and we drove up to the lake and I floated around on my tube and she waded around some.   She can't be on a kayak or even a floatie in the water or she gets seasick, but she likes to just stand in the water or swim a little bit.

On the way back, we stopped in at her mechanic in Lebanon to see if he might be able to fix it.  He said to bring it Monday morning.  I'll have to get a ride back home from Lebanon and hope to hell it will start up once more to get up there.   And then get a ride over there to  pick it up when done.  I don't know how long it may take to fix.  

Most mechanics are booked out a long way, so I'm lucky I might get it fixed next week.  I hope so.  I live in the burbs, a long way from any real store.  I didn't ask how much and I need to do that tomorrow.


  1. I really, really hope your car can be fixed. And for a reasonable price.

  2. Anonymous12:20 AM

    It doesn't sound like the starter motor to me. More like a fuel problem, maybe evaporating in the lines or something like that.

    1. I hope not Andrew, as fuel pumps and injectors are lot more expensive fixes than a starter.

  3. If it's not one thing, it's another. Glad you were able to get an appointment to get your car looked at.

  4. Hope it nothing costly to fix your car.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. What, are you kidding me? It's always costly no matter how tiny something is, to take your car to a mechanic. I imagine this is going to be $500 or more, don't know yet.

  5. I sure hope your $500 plus estimate is way high. ~hugs~ I'm glad your friend was willing to pick you up for a nice outing.

    1. New mechanic to me, don't even know if honest. I hope he's honest. Napa charges anywhere from $120 to $200 for a starter for my car, rebuilt. Mechanics get discounts, but then will mark it way up. Anyhow, $400 might be about right, if they mark an hour labor, more if they add another hour. Mechanics get $100 an hour around here. I remember long ago, this mechanic I knew, over helping him with cats, said I could work off the rear main seal repair I needed fixed, by mowing his fields. Took 11 hours to mow his fields and he'd give $50 credit for it. He said it would take 8 hours labor alone to fix the rear main (part was really nothing, just the seal) and he charged $100 an hour for labor. I would have needed to work 22 hours mowing to equal one hour of his labor, that's how much he valued his labor as a mechanic over a field mower's labor. I left his offer on the table and he finally paid me for the four times I'd already mowed.


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