Sunday, April 11, 2021

Lapsitting Baby Goats

 I went up to see the baby goats.  

My friend and her daughter had a rescued mama goat who had four kids three weeks ago.

Goldie, one of the four, was born with a slightly crooked nose.  She's doing fine though.

The babies are so darn cute, and to see them race around, kick up their heels, try to climb everything, including Lisa, then settle in on our laps to nap, oh my.

I wore my mask for warmth yesterday.  It was cold out.   Lisa is also fully vaccinated and we were outside anyhow but the mask kept my face warm.  We had low elevation snow in Oregon yesterday.

They had three baby rabbits too.  Savannah, Lisa's daughter, had been able to grab three.  They were born feral, outside, after someone up there abandoned their house rabbit when they moved.  There were seven babies but they'd only been able to catch three of them, whom they will tame for adoption.

So I got to cuddle a trembling baby rabbit too.

And see their three two week old foster kittens.

I woke up too early yesterday and then was tired early.  Often the trips to Portland, when I'm caring for cats in the garage, then getting up really early to get to the clinic up there on time, skew my sleep habits.  Generally a couple short day time naps will get me back on track.   Yesterday, after getting home, I raced off to take care of a neighbors cat.  They're in Florida.  I woke up two hours later on their floor, Lucy the cat, atop me.  That works.


  1. Sounds like it was a fun visit to an animal nursery. My friend raises goats and the babies are always so much fun.

  2. That sounds like a wonderful day - and you obviously needed that nap with Lucy.

  3. I love goats. I wasn't around them until I was nearly thirty, but I only needed a ninety-seconds to discover that it was a mistake to park my car where they can stand atop it.

    I think that little crooked-nose goat is so adorable that I'm thinking of trading in my cats! It's also good to see photos of you.

    1. Thanks Snow! I think they'll be adopting out Little Goldie, at some point, when she's big enough. Anything those babies could climb they were onto it. Did they dent your car?

  4. I'm a goat fan, there one of my spirit aniamals.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. This made me happy. ~hugs~ Goat meat is tasty in Indian food but after seeing them play and interact with people we abstain. Pigs, at least, however cute they can be, will at least eat a human given need and opportunity. ~shudder~ Meanwhile, you know animal abandonment always makes me angry, so thank you and all rescuers for the good works.

    1. Yeah, they are way too cute to eat. I can't wrap my head around killing baby animals to eat. Lambs, baby goats...

  6. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Ever so cute and they don't need your help. You could just enjoy them.

    1. That was the best part, Andrew!

  7. Replies
    1. And their little cries, as they race around, or for their mom, omg, yes, very very cute.


Green Peter Drawdown Video

  A video made about the Green Peter reservoir drawdown.  Will it help at all?   I don't know.