Sunday, January 10, 2021

More Projects

 The rains began again today.  So I started on indoor projects.

My brothers gave me this Walmart futon, to be a couch/bed in the living room, for Christmas.  It's a cheap one, from Walmart, which is what I wanted, in case the cats destroy it.  I set it up finally in my garage today.  At first I was going to be selfish and just have it in my garage.  But I'll probably move it into the living room.

I first needed to be rid of some really outdated structures the cats use.  Three of them, to be exact.  One is this wicker shelving unit.  It's only about 16 inches wide but stands about five feet tall, with three deep shelves.  I put pillows in the three shelves and the cats have loved it.  But they also destroy it.

It was not in good shape when I brought it in.  I'd helped a lady move.  Big mistake as she had almost no help and lived on the third floor and had a ton of stuff.   That was a long time ago.  Eventually the dumpster was full that she was using for throwaway items and then she had no more room at her new place.  I brought that home thinking I would cut it up and put it in my own garbage.  Never did.  Took it inside.  It stunk then I think.  Anyhow, I took it out today.  This is what it looked like.

I also took out the home made cat tree in front of it.  It was ratty looking.

This was it right after I made it. Looked pretty nice for years.  I made it from old spools.

Then I moved the table to the window and moved the old dresser, that the cats would sit on to look out the window before, to a different place.  It will soon be gone too, but for now, I have nowhere for it to go bye bye.

I cut up the old cat tree with the sawzall for the garbage.  I cut up the old wicker shelves too.  A couple pieces of that I repurposed.

I'll plant potatoes in that basket this spring.

Here's the new look.  The cats are mad tonight!


  1. Anonymous9:35 PM

    That looks pretty good. Cats don't care I guess.

    1. No, cats don't care how anything looks, only if its functional, fun or comfy. i go onto junked out properties, to catch cats for spay neuter. And though I am OCD about junk, don't want clutter, I know junkyards, as long as not filthy, they love them. A junked car lot? OMG, how they love those.

  2. I like your new look. The cats will come around, but they you may hear about it for a couple of days. They definitely let you know when they aren't happy. :)

    1. Yeah, as they adjust. Just like with us, they go on auto pilot sometimes, jumping from one familiar object to another, so there may be some mis steps.

  3. I'm not a big fan of change, either. ~grin~ How nice a gift from your brothers. And you're always so inventive. It's inspiring.


End of Warmth

 We had some nice days.   But the heat is gone. We'll be in the 60's again for awhile, with perhaps some drizzle. I love the heat.  ...