Thursday, November 26, 2020


 It's Thanksgiving Day.  

Here in Oregon we're supposed to have clear skies, no rain, for four or five days.  Nice, eh?

I'll spend Thanksgiving with my cats.  That's the usual for me anyway.

Our cases in Oregon of Covid are way up but its really only people over 60 dying.   The comments on facebook under stories about the age of those who die were very nasty, like we deserve to die, times up, good riddance.  Oops, a few people forgot about their "pro-life" belief talk.   Awkward.

I finally got a few spay neuter reservations in December on a couple of Fridays.  That sure cheered me up.  I do have the trip to Portland with cats first part of December, also.   

I made a couple of baked yams last night.  Baked them, scooped out the innards, mixed them with a bit of butter and some cream cheese, stuffed back in their skins, topped with chopped green onions and shredded cheddar, baked a bit more.  They were sinfully delicious.

I've been walking in the park everyday, trying to build up my knee.   It's doing ok.  Now and then my kneecap gets sore.  It's worn out on the underneath.  It would take relining the sliding surfaces with metal to fix that problem though.  One day I hope to get that done.  It was not on the table this time around when my meniscus tore.  If it had been, I would have gone for it.

Yesterday, the rain came down hard off and on.  When I was at the park, however, there was only a fine mist falling with a few outings of the sun.

It's a bit of a drive to go to the park to walk but it gets me out of the house and I enjoy it.  We don't have a lot of walking parks close.  That's about the closest to me.  Otherwise, it'd be street walking.  Lots of folks do that but it's kind of ugly to walk city streets and pavement is hard on knees so I fight myself over doing that but not so much going to the park.

Every now and then I see Rocky at the park.  I got him fixed almost  a year ago.

Paws is a very old boy now.  I hope to catch him and bring him here when I have a vacancy.

Anyhow, Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate the holiday.   Don't eat too much!


  1. Your yams sound delicious.
    Loved walking with you too.
    I hope that Paws can finish his days with you (or did I misunderstand what you meant?).

    1. Very delicious!!!! Yes, Paws can come here, and that will likely happen next month, as I have an appointment with my vet, for Slinko, but Paws can come too, and be updated on shots and worming, before joining "the family".

  2. Covid "long-haulers" tend to be between 20--40 and formerly in good health, so some of those who would wish me dead might find themselves also vulnerable to a bad outcome. I just got a blog comment that said "the whole world now hates boomers and wishes them dead." This person has been leaving similar anonymous comments for years, but maybe more people now agree with him since the aging population is partly what makes restrictive measures necessary. Of course, it's not just the aged but Asian Americans, American Indians, black Americans, and Americans who suffer from numerous health complaints. To pronounce all of these people undeserving of life would certainly be an arrogant and presumptous stance that is akin to Nazi mentality. If such people also think that all of these groups should gassed, it would BE the Nazi mentality.

    I just got an email from my 82 year old sister who wrote that she and her 88 year old husband are off to celebrate Thanksgiving with their children and grandchildren. My god, what ARE they thinking that they're willing to risk their lives for a few hours enjoyment?!

    1. I guess they are willing to risk it. It is they who will suffer the consequences, being the older ones. I wish I could attach that much joy to a brief family visit, to endanger my life to go. Yes, there are lots of folks under 60 kicking the bucket from Covid. Karma is a bitch, they say. Yeah that boomer hater is all over the web posting his or her hatred of the older generation.

  3. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Lovely fall photos and sweet to see the cats peeking out.

    1. Yeah, they're curious and perhaps bored too.

  4. The pictures in the park are very pretty. We are a little ahead of you in the leaf department in that essentially all of our leaves are down, but I don't mind. I enjoy the silhouette's of the bare trees.

    1. Something about bare winter trees though, I want to give them a coat!

  5. I never thought to bake yams that way. Yum. I'm with you on preferring to walk at a park, especially with your knee.

    Thanks for telling me more about the wheel bug, a name I'd not heard. I'm glad this species is on the small side. Seeing such a creature one and a half inches long would send me running. And I'll be sure never to handle them.

    1. Your bug looked like one of those dinosaurs that has the flared ruff, not sure what they're called, but that's what it reminds me of, a mini of that dinosaur.

  6. Wow beautiful pictures


Five Cats Fixed Yesterday

 Two Liliths from two towns were fixed yesterday.  Coincidence?  I guess. This Lilith is from Lebanon and was left behind by her people at a...