Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Six Fixed Yesterday

I took the six back this morning.

First stop was for July, minus her kittens, at the Lebanon apartment complex.

Next stop, Sweet Home, and I let the other five out of the traps at their colony.  This is not an easy place.  The woman seemed high on drugs of some sort to me this morning.  She yelled and chased the cats after release.  One kitten became confused and ran into the garage.  I told her to leave him alone, he'd come out later, but she wouldn't and her house door was wide open and her chasing him around in the garage, he ended up in her house all panicked.   I was heartbroken for the cats the way she was this morning.  I had a terrible sick feeling in my stomach and wanted to vomit.

Karen in Portland had agreed to take on the pregnant black stray from there, that this woman's mom  also feeds. She's the adult daughter living there whom I've dealt with.  I'd never seen the black stray cat.  Anyhow, I didn't even know about this until halfway over there, but she brought her out and I took her.  I was feeling so sick for the cats there.  She'd blocked off under the house where they were living while they were gone, so they come back from a traumatic event, being trapped and fixed, and have no idea where to go to hide immediately and sleep, which is all they want to do.  I wanted to sob.  I had to get out of there.

Anyhow..I couldn't hold it in on the way home and sobbed.

 I unloaded the dirty traps at home and then took off to meet Karen half way to hand off the pregnant black cat.  The traffic was horrid, like everyone was out running around or going somewhere.

Once home I began some projects, like cutting down the overly tall plum tree.  I can't get to the plums.   But my saw is too dull.  I will have to sharpen the blade before I can finish.  It's just a foot long hand saw I've had forever.

I have this old bike taking space in the garage that's bent and useless.  I can't get it in the trash so I began the process of tearing it down to get it gone.  I got that done, which is a good feeling to get that old rusted bent up thing out.  I have quite a lot of stuff needs gone from here.

Anyhow, Amanita left today.  She's one of the four ringworm kittens who have occupied my bathroom. A friend took her and is ok with the fact she might still have some ringworm going on.  She'll  keep treatment going.  So down to three kittens in the bathroom.  That's a good thing.

Cindy Lou from Sweet Home

Eeny, a tabby tux boy teen

Meeny, another tabby tux boy teen

Meiny, a little girl tabby tux

Mo, a Siamese mix boy from Sweet Home
Besides the seven already fixed there, and now the black stray, there are still two more needing fixed, a mom and kitten, but they're inside at least, so the mom can't get pregnant again. 

So it will end up 10 in all, once the last two are fixed.

The two apartment complex kittens, up at Karen's, although now they're with NW Animal Companions

Been a long week.  Time to take a break.


  1. A very long week - and your break is overdue. Well overdue.

    1. Yes, I'm happy to have time off now.

  2. Besides being physically hard, your job is even harder emotionally. It's so sad that that woman is so messed up that she treats the cats that way. I just hope that there are no kids in the picture.

    1. I knew something was off the first time I went there on Wednesday, but couldn't put a name to it. But I think its drugs. It is hard, and no kids, thank goodness. And now, no more kittens either.

  3. You do wonderful work. I wish you had more assistance from compassionate people. Do you think there might be a place where these cats might do better *not* returned to their original space? Sweet Home sounds more like Stinky Hell. But you know best. ~hugs~ If we could afford it, we dream of setting up a sanctuary. But alas, my husband and I lack both finances and adequate knowledge. ~sigh~ Maybe someday. :) Please get some rest, my dear.

  4. Anonymous4:02 PM

    This Karen you know seems to be pretty good and helpful.

  5. You seem to be a wonderful lady.


Five Cats Fixed Yesterday

 Two Liliths from two towns were fixed yesterday.  Coincidence?  I guess. This Lilith is from Lebanon and was left behind by her people at a...