Thursday, May 21, 2020

Another Cat Round Up

I woke up one morning to find me tagged in some comment on a post about a cat situation here in the county where I live.  Further down in the comments my Portland friend had told the woman to call her and that she'd get all her cats fixed this weekend.

I didn't know what to think of that.  If Portland folk want to come down here and solve this county's cat problems, I decided, that's fine by me.  It'd be stupid to not just happily watch that happen.  If that's the way it would happen.  Everyone is struggling to find spay neuter space all over the state still.   It is quite frustrating for many.

The woman called my Portland friend.  Who then called me and asked me to call the woman.  I only have five spots for Friday and they were all taken but one.  Wait a minute, I thought.  But I did go out there and loan her a drop trap.  There are 8 or 9 needing fixed.  She'd had appointments to get that done before the lockdown, but when the lockdown happened, the appointments were cancelled.

I played with a tiny sick kitten for awhile out there in that barn, snuggling her under my chin.

I told her I could get two done at the most this Friday and that the Portland woman would have to get the rest into the FCCO up there, as she'd said she would do.  Now things seem to be shifting and the Portland woman may not get more than three in, not sure why or if that will be all she'll get in on her reservations, and of course I will have to catch them and drive them up. I am waiting to hear.

In the meantime, I went after the cat that's been in the park since last October.  The dog walker who told me about the cat calls him or her Trash Can Kitty, because at first the cat would try to eat from a trash can.  After that, the cat would wait by that trash can for the dog walker to come and feed her.

I knew if I didn't get the cat soon, I'd never get her because all summer that park is jammed to the gills with people.   I had plenty of trouble catching the cat anyhow, with people wandering by, innocently, noticing the cat or maybe seeing the trap, wondering what that was and I'd have to jump out of my car and go tell them what I was trying to do.  That went on for hours, even though it was raining off and on, and getting towards dusk.

Just when I was near giving up though, the rain came down harder and people vanished and the cat went in the trap.

So finally little trash can kitty, who needs a real name, will go off to the vet.  I don't know if its a he or a she or maybe already fixed.  The cat suddenly showed up at the park last October and was likely dumped.  The poor little cat has really not left one area where it first appeared, as if still waiting for whomever left her there in the first place.  This is a very sad thing that happens to many many local cats.  However some are dumped so far out remote areas they stand no chance of being noticed by someone with a heart and slowly starve to death.  As I've said before, assholes and cruel people abound around here and probably elsewhere too.  They may have pro life bumper stickers on their pickups or cars, say they love Jesus but otherwise behave like demons to anything smaller than they are.


  1. I just know Trash Can kitty is going to find a wonderful home because of you efforts. Wonder what its name will be?

    1. He'll actually go to the lady who has been feeding him. But she lives in town so who knows if he heads right back to the park. At least we will give it a try there.

  2. I am so glad that your patience was rewarded and that Trash Can Kitty has a chance at a new life.
    The dumpers (and we have them too) make my blood boil. Always. I hope that karma comes round and bites them in the butt someday. Hard.

    1. Me too. I know Karma is very very busy.

  3. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Trash Can Kitty = TCK, or maybe just TK.

    1. TC Storm is now his official name.

  4. The look on its face is like, “hurry up and take my picture already.”

    1. I know, right? Oh these poor cats. Then come the lectures from me, when they are caged, all subjects. Captive audience, lol.

  5. This Covid 19, sure change everything. Possible a sign by the cage letting people know.
    Coffee is on

    1. Good idea, need it to be plastic too. Usually I have no such trouble as I trap in the dark, but can't there. It's a very open space where he lives except for the river bank, which is his main haunt, but its too steep for a trap.

  6. I cannot imagine ever dumping an animal. Grrr... I wish you all the best in this revived endeavor. How about renaming Trash Can Kitty to T.C.? :) Be well and stay safe.

    1. His name is now TC Storm, since I caught him in a rainstorm.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....