Monday, May 18, 2020

Wet Weekend

The weekend was wet and yucky.

Friday's group of five cats fixed in Salem went off, four to a barn home, and then Karen, the sweet gray tabby, to the bird lady.  I just had the three boys to deal with in the garage.  Very stinky boys, I'll add.

Saturday morning I was up at 4:30, for some reason.  I intended to get up at 5:30, to drive the boys to the FCCO clinic in Portland.  I dropped them off and drove home. Since someone else was picking them up and overnighting them in their garage up there, I was free to take a nap and that's what I did.  All day too.

I woke up and it was still raining.

Yesterday I drove up north of Salem to pick up the boys, then drove them all the way home to their Lebanon trailer park and let them go at their caretakers place who is now convinced she herself solved all the cat problems in the trailer park since moving there.  Talk about warped reality.   Lol.

I too am a big fan of altering reality as needed.

I came home, and had taken a shower and was trying to neaten up and clean the garage, which always stinks after holding unfixed boys.  I was barefoot.  I caught pinky toe on something as I was coming into the garage.  Youch!   That halted all further activity.

Its still sore this morning, so I may be slowed for a couple weeks as whatever I did to it heals.

I have a lot of practice now at doing nothing, after two months of covid do nothing.  Be no problem at all.

Pouring again this morning too.  Well, maybe next week the weather will be better.

We're good at saying that here in Oregon.  "Well, maybe next week....."

We are celebrating?, which obviously is not the right word, the anniversary of the volcanic explosive eruption of Mt. St. Helens across the Columbia in Washington state.   It happened forty years ago.   Ash reached Corvallis, where I then lived.  For a long time I had a little jar of it I collected.

Then, as now, with the virus, people belly ached and opined over exclusion zones prior to the explosive eruption violating their rights to make a living and be free.  57 people died.  Some were never found.


  1. Sadly I couldn't see the video.
    Freedom or death? And it seems that some made their choice.
    Unfixed males are indeed stinky. A smell which permeates everything and is hard to abolish.
    Sigh on your toe. And sympathy. I caught mine on the corner of the bed last week and it is still very, very tender.

  2. I'm so sorry about your toe! Ugh... As for the eruption, that was the day my husband's father died. He was a cat lover, too, and pulled over on a rainy highway overpass, saving the orange tabby I met while dating his son. Jacob used to wrestle my husband back in the day, or try to steal his pencils. :) A favorite story is when a young David built a house of cards and Jacob casually knocked it all down. Be well, my dear!

    1. Why is that on the video viewing? I often cannot view videos Andrew posts, probably for same reason, he's in Australia I'm here. Oh I think everyone on earth has done the little toe catching up on something as our bodies propel forward. Omg its painful and sometimes destructive. I'm hoping mine will get better in a few days. I can't wear a shoe now or even a sock on it.

  3. Anonymous3:34 PM

    English people seem to say, If you waited for the weather to be right you would never do anything. Video is geoblocked here but I have seen a bit about it in the past and of course I remember it from the time.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....