Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Violently Ill

I fell ill yesterday and was terribly sick for a day.

I could not get warm and lay under many blankets still cold, shivering and shaking and with painful body aches.

Corona, I thought, briefly, but the stomach problems accompanying pointed to a different culprit--food poisoning.  Again.  Why did I eat those obviously gone bad streusals from Walmart for breakfast?  I wasn't going to, because they taste so bad, but lately I've been in this phase of not wasting a thing.

I don't know it was them that did it.   I slept all day off and on, and then all night too.  I got up for awhile this morning, which exhausted me and I had to return to bed.  By afternoon, I felt much better, almost normal.  I had a temp too but not that high and its gone now I think.

I would like to think I got corona, overcame it in two days and now I can roam freely, but I know that's not the case.  I know what I had wasn't corona.  Once you get it, you're good.  I think.   My brother in Idaho thinks he got it first of March.  I remember him being very ill with this dry cough and they tested him for flu but he didn't have it, so they said it must be just a cold.  I heard his bad cough.  I do think he had it.  Took him almost a month to be better and he was so tired he could barely function at times.  He's probably protected now.


  1. It does sound like your brother had it. I do hope it doesn't mutate and he is now safe.
    And hope you feel much, much better tomorrow.

    1. I feel much better. I have two thermometers, but both (bought at same time) are probably 20 years old almost. they register differently, so I have no idea if either are even close. Oh well, I'm better and yes, I think my brother in Idaho is now protected by his own antibodies from it.

  2. Some people are experiencing gastrointestinal problems that have tested positive for COVID-19, so I wouldn't rule it out. I wish you could get tested and find out you did have it and go on about things as you said. But I don't think that's really going to happen. In the meantime, I am very happy that you're feeling better.

    1. Yes, I know, L and L, so I don't know what I've had. I realize from napping during day that whatever I've had may have been around longer than just for a couple days when I got quite ill, but today I feel completely normal again. Glad of that. I do think it was something I ate.

    2. Yeah there's no way in the world to get tested here.

  3. Sorry to hear you were sick and glad things are better. Each time I sniffle, sneeze, or have some type of ache my first thought is that I've got the coronavirus.

    1. Probably everyone is that way. I kind of want to have it and then be free. I'm normal today again, so it was something I ate.

  4. Oh, wow. I'm sorry you got so sick. This reminds me of what must have been E coli. from kissing the top of my kitty's head. Crazy, huh? It took me a good 24 hours to recover and rehydrate, which isn't too bad, considering. I pieced the mystery together after Tilly's infection finally got properly diagnosed and treated. Anyway, I hope you and yours don't fall victim to this pandemic. ~hugs~ Take care.

    1. I remember you posting about that. Yeah, I figure it was something I ate, much better today, pretty much back to normal.

  5. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Good that you have recovered. I am not sure it is certain that you can't be ill from the virus a second time if you are exposed a second time.

    1. I don't think they know that for sure yet, you are right.

  6. Sorry you were so sick. I hope you stay healthy now.



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