Friday, April 24, 2020

More Cases in This County

The morning news today wasn't good for our county here in Oregon.

Ten National Frozen Foods workers have tested positive.   And since testing is still so limited here, you have to wonder how many there are positive.  The plant is about half mile from me and the workers disperse all over and probably shop the same stores and convenience stores a lot of people in Albany shop.  It's depressing. 

They process vegetables there.

I've known a few people who worked there briefly, over the years.

The work is sporadic. You work when they is product to process and don't when there's not.  Like that fish cannery I worked at in Alaska way back when.

This is the complaint the state received that prompted investigation:  "The employer is not following current guidelines for COVID-19
pandemic. Employees in the workplace that have tested positive
for COVID-19 are working side-by-side employees not infected," read the complaint filed on March 20, 2020. "Employer has told employees not to use hand sanitizer as needed to prevent exposure to COVID-19."

It's a little shocking to be honest that they would let positive people work.   It's shocking, if true, that they're not allowed to use hand sanitizer.  And shocking to me, who naively thought those processing food would already be wearing hair covers, face coverings and gloves.
Anyhow, I'd hoped we were on the down swing here in this county, with the Veterans Home cases on the decline (I think).

Meanwhile, some young guy knocked on my door last night.   I shouldn't have answered but I thought it was the package delivery man.   When I was sick end of March, I didn't have a working thermometer and needed to keep track of my temperature.  It was hard to find one online but finally I did and the seller said it could be delivered April 8.  Well, that sure didn't happen and I've been waiting ever since.  I contacted the seller who turned out to be in China and of course you can't get something from mid central China to Oregon in a week.  So the delivery date scam was to bait you in to buy.

So that's why I opened the door thinking it was the delivery man, who often rings the bell and leaves, because if someone is home they'll come see the package and avert package thieves that way.

But it was this young guy instead.  He held a tiny amount of dry cat food in a plastic jar.  Already I'm thinking wtf.   No mask either and this is a stranger so he's probably not very aware, was my first thought, for him to go door to door with no mask in a time with the virus.

He claimed he lives at the apartments end of block and lost his cat.  He has no picture of his lost cat, however, and can only describe the cat as black and white.   I tell him first off he shouldn't be wandering the area with a tiny bit of dry cat food but rather his lost cats photo because nobody can even watch for a cat if they don't know what the cat looks like.  He claims to be at my door because someone told him I have a lot of cats.  This pissed me off royal because one thing, his lost cat, is in no way related to the other (me having cats).   I think, 'is he accusing me of stealing his cat or just what?'  I think to myself 'did he really lose a cat or is he some thief casing places on the block, or a serial killer?'    I kicked myself for opening the door to him in the first place.  Anyhow I sent him on his way, telling him again nobody can help that poor cat without knowing what the cat looks like.

After reading about all the positive cases down the street at the plant this morning, I think about the guy recklessly coming to a strangers door without a mask, claiming to be looking for his lost cat, without even a photo of the cat, and I get upset all over again.

I got excited for a brief time last night when I heard on the news the governor is opening up hospitals and clinics for non emergency procedures beginning May 1.  I thought that must include spay neuter, but I later found out it doesn't.  She's doing this because the small hospitals and clinics are about to go under, and because a lot of the procedures that came under non emergency really need done, for people to live without pain or to keep diseases under control, so its a practical measure (so hospitals don't do a deep dive) and compassionate one (for those really in need of those procedures), to lift that order.  They'll get closed again if they don't follow procedure and keep from outbreaking more virus.  Simple as that.

Finally, later last night, the thermometer comes.  Course I don't need it now, like I did when I ordered it.  It's a piece of crap.  The box says it comes with a case, it didn't.  And its in degrees C.  So much for China orders off Amazon.


  1. Working with the virus???? Here anyone who is diagnosed positive (and their close contacts) MUST go into isolation for fourteen days. And that means not leaving the house. For anything. I suspect a business which allowed them to work would be forcibly shut down too.
    The guy with his dry catfood is just plain weird.

    1. There is some crazy stuff that goes on around here sometimes. But everytime somebody messes up and more people get sick, prolongs this crap for everyone. So yeah, its depressing. I did find a photo of the lost cat on another facebook page, posted by the guys' girlfriend. So it was on the up and up, just useless, when he had no photo of the lost cat with him. I will be watching for the poor cat though, even though it is likely the cat is nowhere near my place. You never know.

  2. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Sounds like he was casing your place to me.

    Nobody will be buying food from National Frozen Food Company now. What appalling behaviour by that company.

    1. Yeah, they really blew it big time.

  3. Yikes! I saw some dude talking to a neighbor across the way, standing about two feet apart from one another. Neither wore any kind of protective gear while passing a clipboard back and forth. I thought, "What?" and let it go until someone knocked on our door. It turned out to be the same fellow and I didn't respond, then saw him talking to the little girl across the street through her screen door. Strange times, indeed. Thank you for the lovely kitty pictures, my dear, and take care.

    1. What was he up to, going door to door--did he have the Covid lockdown lonelies?


Ten Cats Fixed Yesterday in Portland

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