Saturday, April 18, 2020

Walk in the Park

I had to visit the grocery store today.  Afterwards, I drove up for a walk in the park.

I had a very quick walk to say the least, as the rain began to pound down shortly into my jaunt and I had to run for my car.

I got a few photos though.  The Mergansers are more numerous than ever before along the river.  They dive for small fish, so the river must be full of fingerlings to support so many Mergansers.

There is a lone Canada Goose living on the opposite shore.  Often the Merganser crew taunt and torment the lone goose.   There is great drama and sorrow in the world of ducks and geese.

I didn't see the loner today, but when I looked at the photos I took I see he was there.

Once a tall strong tree, now gone, but the roots are fantastic and mystical and shelter other life now.


  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    A great duck dive.

  2. It rain off and on most of the day here.

    1. Supposed to be nicer today, but more rain in the next week.

  3. Even your brief time there must have restored your spirits.
    Thet was quite a long underwater swim. I don't think I could hold my breath for that long.
    Love that the tree stump supports other life now.

    1. Yeah the mergansers are diving ducks who grab small fish when under. I love watching them dive and forage underwater. You can track the males because they're so white, when under.

  4. We don't have mergancers around here. They are so pretty. But we do have plenty of Canada geese.

    1. Sure seem to be no shortage of Canada Geese anywhere.

  5. Oh, I could watch those birds dive all day. How cool. Great photos, all. I enjoyed playing 'spot the goose'. Heh... And those roots fired up my imagination in a heartbeat. No surprise there. ~snicker~ Too bad you didn't have an umbrella on hand. Nothing beats walking in the rain, unless it's entirely too fierce. Be well!

    1. I don't know why, but in Oregon, you're really looked down on if you break out an umbrella. Nobody true Oregonian will use an umbrella. We just get wet. I figured the stump might get you going, returning snickers.

    2. Interesting! I'm reminded of a movie quote from "Big Trouble in Little China." Took me a bit to find it. ~grin~ But here it is, when Jack Burton shares an umbrella with Egg Shen:

      Wang Chi: A brave man likes the feel of nature on his face, Jack.
      Egg Shen: Yeah, and a wise man has enough sense to get in out of the rain!

      It's one of the funniest and most rewatchable movies we own.

      I'm glad the stump made you think of me. ~hugs~ It makes me happy having our long distance connection.

    3. I haven't seen that movie in a lot of years. I'm going to have to rewatch that one! I remember I loved it when I saw it the first time. I love our online connection too Darla! You are so down to earth and also cut to the chase with your comments on my narratives, especially when I'm feeling wronged. I appreciate very much your support!


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