Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Change

The world is different now.    We adapt or we die.  A classic moment.  A speck of time amidst the vast eons to come.

Some here are ignoring distancing precautions like tantruming toddlers.

There are always those.  They take their possible virus exposure far and wide, to little towns so far unexposed and don't care, whining to the cameras it is only they who are important.

Maybe they should just all be thrown into a big containment center ringed in barbed wire and armed guards for two weeks, fed MRE's.  Can you imagine that?  Nowaday people treated like that?  Oh the lawsuits and general whining/crying that would ensue.

When people act like that then the crack downs happen and everyone is affected by those.  You little whining babies, why couldn't you just behave?  Now the whole state will likely be locked down.

More businesses closed and then their very real hardships ensue.  I can't imagine having a family and losing your job right now and your business, but that is just what is happening right now all over.

So I won't complain.   If the virus gets me, it gets me.  I hope someone feeds my cats.  That's about all I can say, really.  I've had a great life.  What else could I say.

I watched Contagion the other day.   Seemed like a real life.

 I'm doing the rules the President and the Governor ask of its citizens--staying six feet from everyone and staying home except to exercise and grocery shop.  The exercise is walking and feeding the boys in the park.  If the park is closed, the boys will be in trouble.  I deliberate with myself on trapping them now, bringing them here, but its hard to integrate boys, even though they're long neutered, the two at least, and Paws is old now.  Cumi is six.  He's the younger of the pair. 

I've also delivered several bags of cat food to folks in need and should make a couple runs doing so today.  I just leave it on people's porches.  Some probably don't even know where it came from but they can probably guess.

Otherwise I"m home and actually having a lot of fun with the cats.

I did take Lion up north and met a person in a parking lot with him.  He's now with ARCF (Animal Rescue and Care Fund).  He will get his medical care with them, sooner or later but be safe and inside and well cared.   His caretaker, an 80 year old, with health issues, is very practical and signed him over verbally.  There was really no other option.  Portland will likely be locked down Monday, along with the rest of the state possibly.  He couldn't go back in the condition he was in with his teeth, drooling blood and pus and in pain.

Here are some cat photos.

Old fiesty Buffy

Starry, my big torti, who often, by morning, is sleeping across all the pillows, pushing me to crossways on the bed.  How does that happen?

Shaulin is also very old but plays like a kitten

Mona Lisa in a Da Vinci worthy pose


Peekaboo Jackaroo!

Jack in his favorite Chewy box toy

Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Thank you for caring for animals and for dropping cat food off at people's houses. I'm sure it's much appreciated. My daughter's co-worker gave her two boxes of oranges and dropped some off at neighbors and family homes. She placed a bag full at my door.

    1. It was so much appreciated Rita, made me feel good, really good. And happy too. That's nice the co worker brought around oranges. People are being so kind for the most part I think.

  2. I am so glad you are enjoying time with your cats.
    I have hunkered down and go out to do essential shopping and/or walk.
    Sadly we too have the idiots. Crowds and crowds of 'invincible' young people flocked to Bondi Beach over the weekend. The beaches have no been closed.
    Panic buying continues.
    I hope that you continue to stay safe, and thank you for the drop offs - on behalf of people who can't/haven't thanked you.
    And thank you for ensuring Lion is in a safe place where he will hopefully get the treatment he needs soon.

    1. Same here with the young people at the beaches. Rain returns tomorrow which should dampen the enthusiasm for breaking distancing rules. Rain is good that way. I took two big huge bags (30 lbs each) up to cAscadi to two places up there and was unable to avoid the rushing hug from one of them, despite the distancing, he was so happy to get the food. That's ok.

  3. Glad Lion got his dental and is safe. The stray I had acquired that needed neutering and a dental (all 4 canines broken off at the gum line) got all done just under the deadline set here in OH for no more electives.

    1. Oh, that is just wonderful new catladymac!

  4. There always seem to be a few that ruin it for everyone else.

    1. That's certainly right, L and L.

  5. What beautiful kitties! :) Thank you for sharing.


Ten Cats Fixed Yesterday in Portland

 The FCCO clinic yesterday was a training clinic.  The FCCO, in conjunction with United Spay Alliance, is training vets who are interested i...