Saturday, February 29, 2020

Welcome to Oregon

Welcome to Oregon novel coronavirus.

Not really. 

First publicly announced positive with corona virus patient or two in Portland now.  Several in WA with one death.  I figure actually its been here awhile we just didn't know it.  People travel a lot in Oregon, to other countries, come back, mingle, etc.  It was inevitable.

Some people won't show symptoms but have it and with this virus you can spread it without being symptomatic.

So yeah, I figure its been here awhile, so no need to panic now that its official when pretty sure the first case happened some time back.  Just guessing.

The conspiracy theory people are out in force these days over it.  I mean they're out on the internet in force but probably still in their basements.  Couldn't help myself.

 I saw a facebook meme being forwarded listing all the last decade of various viruses including SARS, MERS and corona and that they correspond to election years with the implication the democrats are responsible for creating and releasing all these viruses.  If it were not so absolutely pathetic that anyone believes this sort of nonsense, I'd laugh til I cried.

I've found it multiple places, on friends sites who are extreme Republicans but I will back track and say I didn't find it on the Oregon Rupublican party site.  Instead, I found one woman posting and forwarding it who was forwarding it to the party.  Her name had been removed when it showed on another friends site feed.  Here it is.  It's just stupid.

Anyhow, today it poured down rain alternating with heavy hail.  Yuk.  I'm very much ready for summer.  But I got out a bit during the sunny half of yesterday, walked at the park down to the falls.  It was beautiful.

This large paper wasp nest hung out over the water from a spindly branch.


  1. The falls do look amazing, and I am glad you had a sunny interlude to see them. That is one impressive wasp nest too.
    I can just see the trumpster buying into the Democrats creating the virus. He has already said they are making a big deal about it just to hurt him. Sigh.

    1. There are usually lot of paper wasp nests in the park. The rangers have been trying to rid the park of wasps since nobody can picnic without being swarmed.

  2. Anonymous10:25 PM

    I can scarcely believe what you say about Republican Party, but then I think further, and yes, I can believe it. The river looks spectacular, but you pay the price with lots of rain.

    1. well, I backtracked on that, its being forwarded by others to the party who then forward and post it with the party's name on it. But I didn't find it on the parties site.

  3. Beautiful pictures. How cold was it for your walk?

    1. Not cold at all, but it clouded over and became cold just an hour later.

  4. I've heard conspiracy theories from both political parties regarding COVID-19. Idiots. My husband and I are focused on stocking a few vital supplies. If infection pops up in our friendly town we expect people to panic, stripping both civility and store shelves. We don't want in the middle of a mob situation like those moronic black Friday riots. ~shudders~ Take care of yourself, my dear.

    On the bright side, those images are lovely. And I'm sorry about the wasp swarms, but that photo is particularly amazing! I like how the fern leaves dangle around, almost as if placed there by an artist. :) Thank you for sharing.

    1. I feel prepared for pandemic because I believe I've watched disaster movies on earthquakes, pandemics, zombie outbreaks, meteor strikes, Godzilla's arrival, alien takeover---pretty sure those prepare a person for about anything, lol. In most post apocolypse movies, people turn against one another and you're just not safe. I think the opposite might happen, or would hope it would, that people would band together and help one another Little House on the Prairie style but I'm probably all wrong on that.

    2. I keep up on the latest conspiracy theories from my younger brother when we talk since he has a non blood relation (related to wife) who has turned pretty mental over them, shakes in fear over her belief democrats have some space weapon that emits electro magnetic blasts to start forest fires. She believes they started the ones in California with that space weapon then moved on to start them all over Australia and thinks now they will target her area because she knows about it. They have been unable to persuade her this is not true at all, demonstrating those weapons do not exist. But reasoning is to no avail. I have friends not quite that bad but nearly so, ruining their lives with these things. I don't know where they get them.

  5. I'm not worried about the virus at all, but Middle Son was telling me there had been a confirmed case within 20 miles of their house in California. His son't school is already communicating contingency plans for if they have to close.

    1. Yeah, two cases in Portland now but they're not very sick I don't think, and the two live in the same household. One of them got it somewhere from someone else, who must not have had it very bad either. But the Washington state nursing home outbreak is far more serious since those are compromised people to begin with.

  6. That is scary, we don't have any confirned virus in hete, Poland, but it is already in Germany and other coutries near us, so I think it is only a matter of time.Hope it will be over soon!

    1. Yes, we all hope it burns out soon and will be gone. I think SARS and MERS are both gone now, aren't they? Hopefully this one will be gone also.


Rain Stops Finally

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