Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Four Deceased Man Cats

The four cats from Ridgeway, from the porch of the man who died recently, are now all fixed.

I didn't name them, will let their new owners do that.

The last one, the gray tux, was picked up by a friend, who drove down from Keizer, which is just north of Salem, to pick him up Sunday night.  She took him to the clinic yesterday morning, then also picked him up later in the day and returned him to me.  That was quite a volunteer effort on her part.

Their home is ready.  I just need a working car to get them there.  I hope by tomorrow I will have my car back and be able to do that. 

Meanwhile, Bug, the fifth cat, is doing very well in his new home, farther up the same road where he had lived before. 

They are a ittle bored in the cage but not much longer.....off to new home.

Buff and white, she's the only girl and was fixed last Wednesday at the FCCO

Gray tux boy, fixed yesterday.  

Bug in his new home.  They adore him, looks to be mutual.


  1. Well done! That last photo is especially adorable. ~hugs~ Wish I could embrace you for real. And by the way, you deserve a huge financial reward to support you and your amazing work.

    1. Thanks on the reward front, wouldn't that be nice?

  2. Fingers crossed on the car front.
    And hooray for new homes. Bug does indeed look loved, which is as it should be.

    1. Well, I walked a mile and a half to the shop last night, since there was no answer when I called, hoping it would be sitting there ready for me. Nope. He hadn't even started on it, was sitting in same spot as morning.

  3. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Nice. Now tell the truth. You've helped so many cats and named them, you have run out of names.

    1. I have in fact not run out of names but the folks adopting them indicated they want to name them, so I'm holding off. Yes, its tough for me to do that.

  4. The headline gave us pause..We were relieved that it meant the four cats of the Dead Man and not "four dead man-cats."

    1. Oh===gosh I can see how that might be confusing.

  5. Bug looks like he went to Jacques Cousteau's house.


January Moldy

     Big Black is still around. I put my game cam out for the night, for kicks.  It's kind of fun. Only two cats on it this time.  One i...