Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Rabbit in a Bag

I am trying to recuperate from the last few intense days of labor.

I go to the park, intent on taking a walk, and what do I see?

A Rabbit!
It's no wild rabbit however. 

It's small and fluffy and so cute!

I sidle up to it, to see how close I can get and am surprised the rabbit comes towards me and wants to sniff my finger.  Ok, tame rabbit, super tame rabbit.

I can't get ahold of the little guy though, enough to get him in my arms.

However, there's a lady from the town, down there to walk, who does and comes over to my car with the rabbit in her arms.   I have nothing to put a rabbit or anything else in.  Except.....

Ok, we all now have to carry reusable grocery bags in Oregon because they're banned in the stores.  I had one of those.  From Winco Foods.  We put him in that and loosely tie off the top.
Rabbit in a Bag

Now what.  I know nothing about rabbits but sure is cute!

I call Heartland Humane in Corvallis.  "Sure, bring him now," was their response.

So I drove on over and my my were they busy.  I handed over the little guy and soon peeked into the back and saw a staff member with him cradled like a baby.

Ok, super super tame rabbit.   "Be sure and wash that bag before you put groceries in it again," a staff member said with a smile as I left.

So much for the walk in the park.


  1. I hope rescuing rabbits doesn't turn into another hobby for you.

    1. Me too. Here its the 4H'ers dumping their project rabbits that becomes an issue.

  2. To the rescue again! ~hugs~ I don't want to know how the little guy ended up there all alone. ~sigh~ Hope you're feeling somewhat rested today.

    1. Today was worse, took one cat from Sweet Home clear to Portland to be fixed. Only big traffic accident, turned the already nightmarish trip into a three hour stop and go marathon. Wasn't fun, stressed me out severely. I don't know how the daily commuters do it up there, endure that stop and go, daily.

    2. Agreed. After my husband had worked faithfully from home for many years, General Motors decided he and his teammates must either relocate or commute to Detroit (in our case from Southwest Ohio!) every week. Once, a car flipped over in the lane beside him. Between that and eventually finding himself on call seven days a week, regardless of locale, he decided to retire. It was the best decision he ever made.

  3. Lovely outcome.

    What's this about bags being banned? I have to pay for them, and the plastic ones are banned here in Eugene, but there's no total ban on bags that I've heard of. What I do is to save my paper bags and use them over and over, even if I have to put tape on them.

    1. Single use plastic bag ban, I should have said, at supermarkets. So yes, I try to remember to carry my own bags of some sort. The heavier multiple use Grocery Outlet bags I've found to last much longer than the pseudo cloth ones from Winco that fall apart on me after a couple of wash jobs.

  4. Anonymous1:58 PM

    It is your lot in life.

  5. How kind of you to help him. I am sure he would not have survived out there alone.

    1. No, he would not have. He's at Heartland Humane now, and they named him Ozzie.



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