Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Fluffy Comes Out

Fluffy from the park acted feral much of today, although when I'd go into the bathroom, to use it, I would pet him nonetheless.

This evening Fluffy came out as tame.  Super tame.  Ecstatic over his change in circumstance too.  It was beautiful to see.  He's so happy to be inside and safe.

He can't stop purring either.  He's so soft and wonderful.

Turn up the volume on the video to hear just how happy Fluffy is right now.

I hope to find him a great home with people who will love him forever.


  1. Hooray for Fluffy - who very obviously knows when he is in a good place. That is a delightful purr.

    1. He must have been so scared to be in that park for six weeks. I hope to find him a great person to love him forever. They're out there. He doesn't require much---just comforting, hugging, petting, food, soft bed and he does like to play too.

  2. Besides the purring, I love the first picture of Fluffy. Now that looks like a happy cat. :)

    1. Oh he is so happy to be safe and have a soft bed and get hugged and petted. Just glorious and wonderful to see his extreme relief!

  3. Anonymous1:59 PM

    You must be very tempted at times to keep some. Good that trust by him was suddenly switched on.

    1. Well, my cats are not that nice to newbies, so not tempted. He needs a good home. However, I don't have an adoption venue nor do adoptions unless its to friends, so rely on finding rescues or shelters in placng tame cats.

  4. He is precious. I am sure you will have no trouble finding him a home.

    1. I generally don't do adoptions unless its to friends and I think my friends are tired of me asking. Hope to find him somewhere and someone special though.

  5. Fluffy is beautiful. My cat Chu purrs that loudly as well.

  6. Oh, I wish we weren't so far away. He reminds me of our every happy Tilly, rest her little soul. Best wishes, little man!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....