Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Definition of Insanity

Isn't the definition of insanity if you do something again, that had a bad outcome, but expect the outcome to be different?

If so, then I'm certifiable.

There's this lady.   A sociopath for sure.  Enjoys manipulation, game playing, causing trouble.  Has no regard for anyone but herself. I've helped her twice before with cats and both times had terrible trouble.  Like she won't bring the cat to me, or be there, although she says she'll be there, when I return it, causing me long delays in return, or even in contacting her again.  She'll give me numbers, say she'll be there, won't answer, won't come to the door when she says she'll be home to return her cat.

So she contacted me in November about another cat.  Same old, demanding, rude, all about herself.   I tell her to contact me in January.   I finally agree to get him fixed, hoping she's changed, knowing she probably hasn't changed and is still that sick twisted self centered game player.

Well, she hasn't changed one bit.  Last night, I was going to head to the coast, after the two tamer cats went to their people.  I planned to cage the wild five I'd trapped in one drop of the drop trap up near Sweet Home.  I had a dental appointment this morning again, for a filling and crown prep. At my brother's dentist.  It's a whole lot easier to break up that trip.

She messages me when I'm about to pick up the cats, asking how hers is and to "drive safely".  When she says "drive safely" I get suspicious.  She's not a nice person who would say something like that.  It was then I figured she was going to play me, when I tried to return the cat.

 And play me she did.  I went to her place first.  She told me by message she'd be right there.  She'd already agreed to actually to be there and she wasn't.   I knew this was not going to work out well when she wasn't home as she'd promised to be.   Over the course of the next half hour, she repeatedly lied to me when I would call and ask where she was.   She'd tell me she was one place, then somewhere else, always like two minutes from her place.   I sat there, thinking now what do I do.  I was ready to call the police to report an abandoned cat at the 40 minute mark.  At that point some unknown adult pulls into the driveway and dumps out two kids.  And drives off.

One of the kids comes to my car window, says its her cat in my car that her mother isn't coming to give her her cat.  She too is rude.  I give her the cat and then the kid starts screaming obscenities at me.  Wow, I thought, she's just like her mom.   I tell her a  complete stranger has just paid out money and a lot of time to help them out once again. I am totally wasting my outrage as these folks don't give a crap about anybody or how they treat them.  The kid screams at me several times more, probably at the instruction of her absentee mother.  I'm trying to find my phone and car keys which have fallen to the floor of the car.  It's dark by now.

It was so fucked up to be played once again by this psychopath of a woman.

The Waterloo woman was supposed to pick up her cat at my place, so I could leave right after.  She didn't show up either.  I was so upset, that people would behave like that, but thinking some sociopath will heal herself and turn into a decent human being was an obvious error.

I drove the other cat to Waterloo.  By the time I got home it was nearly 8:00 p.m. and far too late to head to the coast.  I got up at 3:30 instead and drove there, so I would be on time.  The appointment was at 8:30 a.m.  It lasted about 45 minutes and then I drove home.  I was home by just after noon.  I caught a cold too.  I knew I was getting one yesterday and just hoped it wouldn't be bad enough to stop the dental appointment.  But it wasn't, just takes a lot of kleenex from constantly blowing my dripping draining nose.

Seven more cats fixed yesterday, including the sociopath's male.  What can I say.
These are the five from Sweet Home fixed Monday.  A torti mom, one torti girl teen, then three boys, brothers.

Major Mom, the mom torti on the left, teen torti Sneezy, on right.

Orange tabby teen Dopey, white teen Bashful and black boy teen Sleepy, all fixed Monday.


  1. Sigh.
    And hiss and spit.
    I am very grateful (even if she isn't) for the work you do, and hope the dental work was painless and your cold shortlived.

    1. Thanks EC. The dental work was fast and painless. Temp crown. Will get the permanent in three weeks. My very first crown.

  2. Anonymous9:22 PM

    What an absolute nightmare of a woman, and by the sound of it reinforces your argument about compulsory human desexing. I hope you don't have to deal with her again.

    1. Yes, a total nightmare to deal with. Should have spayed long ago, yes. She's now blocked and banned and knows it.

  3. How frustrating to have to deal with someone like that. However, it's good that you recognize that her behavior has nothing to with you and is all about her own problems. It's just too bad that it is being passed down to her kids.

    1. yeah, what a wonderful world.

  4. Wow what a bitch.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....