Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year!

It's New Year's Eve.  Yay!  Whatever.

I took a trip to the coast clinic today with three cats.  Soloman needed antibiotics.  He has a cold.  I also had two dental appointments. 

Last evening, I caught Fluffy at the park.  Didn't take long.  Unfortunately while trapping for him, I spotted yet another new cat, a black tux, looked boy to me.  Looked big chunky boy.

Ohhhhhhhhhh.  Gosh darn.  But I trapped Fluffy.

I took Fluffy and besides Soloman, I took Raindrop.  She'd had a terrible mouth four years ago at her last dental and had 13 pulled.  I was worried she'd be a mess and need the rest out.

The trip over wasn't too bad.  Big storm had been predicted. So where is it, I thought, travelling through dense fog in the coast range on the way.

Well, it hit all right and turned the day into a very very windy rainy mess.

I saw the vet after checking the three in and he gave Soloman his antibiotic shot and some fluids.  He's a fill in vet from Portland looks like a surfer dude--long hair, talks like one too.  I felt like asking him if he'd be down at the ocean on his lunch break because those waves at the south jetty were righteous!
Poor old Soloman has a bad cold right now

The south jetty, my favorite time killing parking lot, was under construction.  Big rock trucks in and out.   They're repairing and building that jetty up, I read.  No peace there for a nap in the back of the car with Soloman.

So I found another parking lot.  I pulled a reluctant Soloman out of the trap.  How could I sleep without cuddling a cat?   It all went well, although he is technically feral, until he let out a loud wet fart.   Ok, Soloman, back in the cage.

So Fluffy is a rather elderly already neutered male.  I had seen his ear tip so figured he'd already be fixed.  He got updated on everything--worming, flea treatment, vaccines, tested negative for FIV/Felk and had his teeth cleaned and one pulled.  He's in the bathroom now, not so sure about anything.  Quite a big change and a strange day for him, that's for sure.  He likely doesn't know what to think of being carted halfway across the state and knocked out by a vet and everything else. 

Now he's in some stranger's bathroom.  OMG.

Soloman is off pooping some more.  He's a high producer of poop. Raindrop hisses if I look her way.  She's like that.
Raindrop is highly vet paranoid!

She only needed one more tooth pulled too, so her mouth was still pretty darn good.

The drive home was like riding a bucking horse through the coast range.  High winds threw the car this way and that.   Standing water on the road made for some interesting times.  Asshole drivers did also.   There was no traffic in Portland though to slow me down, like usual.  I was so happy about that and sailed on through.  And going south on the freeway, the wind was perfect for pushing my little box car along like it was a sailboat.  I barely touched the gas or the steering wheel.

The video was at the Ireland wreck beach, before the pouring rain set in, well it was raining but not like it did a little later.

Easy riding.  Fast trip home.  Three cats better off now (Not sure any of them agree with that).  So Happy New Year.


  1. Thank you.
    And no, the cats would undoubtedly say they have been treated badly, but they are wrong.
    Happy New Year to you. I am really glad the bookmark arrived. I replied, but it is being 'delayed' as suspected spam.

  2. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Looks like terrible wind at the beach. A very happy new year to you.

  3. You are so amazing to help so many cats in need. I wish you and all kitties you encounter a happy and healthy 2020! XO

  4. Awesome video. And I'm so glad you made it home safe. You did a great service for these sweethearts. Well done!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....