Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Photos of the Nine Cats Fixed Monday

I am late in posting my usual documentation of the cats fixed.

There were the seven from the Lebanon colony, although Gunnie is still here, awaiting a dental option.

Black tux male Chinny, so named for his black chin 

Black male Ebony

Gray male Gunnie with the bad teeth

Black male Panther

Puppy, a girl

Tippytoo, white and black male who looks a lot like Pirate, the injured boy still in my garage

Tortilla, a muted torti, who is very pretty

Cookie and Blondie, both still here, from Hill street, were finally fixed.  While they await homes, I let them out of their cage today.  They love it!  They are a lot of fun.  So that's it, the nine fixed Monday, before I forget to post their photos.

Muffy is ghosting Blondie in this photo 

Cookie likes it up high


  1. Love those shots. Did my PayPal donation come through?

    1. Yes, I got it, thank you!!! Sent you an email. Got behind, so sorry, still behind on everything with all the medical drama of late with the bottle babe and now with Pirate and then holding onto Gunnie too, for dental care somewhere. Anyhow, vet bills are high lately, so THANK YOU. They can drain a bank account like nothing else.

  2. Wow, you really did good rescuing Pirate. He's a lucky guy, all considering. So many beautiful felines. Well done! Gunnie is what we named Jezebel for a while due to her coloring, but it somehow didn't fit. ~grin~ And Tortilla looks eerily like our angel Tilly. By the way, I believe you were the one who introduced me to the term for Tilly's coloring as muted torti. Be well, my dear.


Sun Coming

 Sun is supposed to come to us finally here in Oregon.   It's been pouring last few days, today included. At first, the weather stations...