Monday, October 07, 2019

Mission Accomplished

I was back at it in Sweet Home, twice more, at same colony.

I failed at my Sunday morning attempts there.  I thought both tiny kittens would be out and just waiting for food under the still set up drop trap.  But no, I didn't even see them, til I was about to leave, then spotted one sitting on a rock back behind a shed.

The shed was hard to get to, since she had it walled off in wire, to keep her cat killing little dog from kittens.  But I got a trap in there.

The lady was fast to want to let her own fixed cats back out.   I got them fixed, long time ago, when her daughter met me with them at the park.

I'd caught only one cat, May I'm calling her, a brown tabby tux.  So now I had five from this place and the one kitten already gone on to a Portland rescue.

But, being an idiot, I went back for more, Sunday night.  This was after I picked up a Sodaville female, with three older kittens.  She had lured her into a carrier.   I trapped this Sodaville colony last spring.  Caught 8 or 9 adults, moved out 7 kittens.  This gray female had vanished before I arrived, and she thought she'd been killed by a predator.  But she showed up again a few weeks ago, with the three kittens.

When I stopped to pick her up, the lady offered me half a burrito from a local Mexican place.  It was so delicious.
Sodaville girl

She just loves her wild cats.  Her old dog died, and now, she says, the cats are so happy and even come in the house.  Especially Jeff, the orange tabby tux boy, whom she had to go find and hold in her arms so I could pet him and see how he'd changed into a tame house cat type boy.

The cats DO look unbelievably changed from when I last saw them, scrawny then and rough looking.  Funny what spay neuter will do for cats.

Then it was on to Sweet HOme, where I found one tiny kitten under the drop trap.  They'd caught the little guy with a towel, and stuck him under the drop trap then to wait for me.  Poor little thing was so scared by then.  Anyhow, what a sweetie he is.

 I was able to shift my position in relation to the drop trap this time in Sweet HOme, so I was farther away.  It was dark which helped.  I watched the dark trap in their driveway with binoculars.   I caught two more that way, then called it a night there.   I was happy to have caught the gray mackerel tabby with the bad bad limp.


Now I had seven adults and two kittens from this place.  And one Sodaville girl.  But by now I had ten spots, having garnered three more someone wasn't using, from an online site.
January and March 


I stopped in at the Lebanon Alleged 40 cat Colony.   This one I thought a friend of the folks living in the old house near the tracks was going to take care of, through the FCCO.  But I recently found out that isn't actually happening.  I was vastly disappointed.  Nonetheless I stopped in and quickly had two calicos in traps there.   The grandkids of the lady named them Cappucinno and Halfuccino. 

I don't know how many cats need fixed there.  Years ago, she had someone else trap the cats to be fixed there, but she didn't get them all, the lady said, and kept catching the same already fixed cats over and over. Whether that happened or other cats came in, I don't know.  But  I hope we can get them all this time, which isn't easy in that area because people are always leaving cats behind when they move.    So ten cats will be going up to be fixed in a few minutes time, and one little boy kitten is safe and sound now too.  His sister is in Portland.  We shall see where he ends up.




  1. Well done you. Again.
    Halfaccino made me laugh and he/she is a pretty little thing.

  2. I am glad that you were able to see some of the fruits of your labor with the healthy cats at the lady's house. There are happy, healthy cats all over Oregon that you have helped. Thank you for the valuable work you do.

  3. You are far from idiotic. ~hugs~ Such great work! I bet my brother-in-law would love to help you if could. That would be a very worthy endeavor. And the name Halfuccino cracked me up. Love you, darling!

    1. Its extremely hard to find any help around here, any at all, sure wish he lived this side of the country!


Ten Cats Fixed Yesterday in Portland

 The FCCO clinic yesterday was a training clinic.  The FCCO, in conjunction with United Spay Alliance, is training vets who are interested i...