Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Ten Fixed Yesterday

Yesterday, I took ten cats to be fixed.  Three were fixed in Salem and seven over at Heartland Humane.

I had planned to take 7 to Salem and 8 to Heartland.  But with a coast clinic trip today, I had to downsize plans.

I had a man from Salem, referred by the clinic, call me.  He feeds four cats, he said.  When he said where he lived, I thought 'I know who I am going to call'.   A Meow Village volunteer lives less than five minutes from the trailer park.   I'd accidentally turned into his trailer park once when going to her place in fact.

So Kathi took him a trap, but he could pet the two cats.  He said both were girls.  But when he took them to Kathi, she sent me a butt pic of one.  They're both boys, she laughed.  Soon I get a text.  "Let's strike a deal."   Meow Village would keep the two trailer park stray boys and find them homes, not hand them over to me on the way to the clinic yesterday morning so they could be fixed and returned.  Then they'd take the spay neuter spots, for a big huge colony they are trapping.  I'd already donated two of my reservations to them.  Now they would have four and things were looking easier for me with the clinics Monday then the coast trip Tuesday.

I had given traps to others who feed near the crazy chicken people colony in Lebanon.  Yeah, I keep changing name of that colony place, where hungry chickens swarmed the traps.  It's an older couple I found and they're on it.   They caught three of maybe seven unfixed ones there.   They caught Patches, the huge male we really wanted to catch.  Then two of the three little dark tabby tuxes.

I named the tuxes Tango and Tootsie.  Both turned out to be girls.  The couple would meet me when they caught another down on the freeway at Leathers gas station.  I've done cat exchanges there forever.



I also went on back to the Lebanon RV.  She had four more ready to go.  I'd hand her a carrier and she'd go into the RV.   From outside, where I sat sideways in the front seat of my car, with the door open,  I'd hear banging and some crashes in the RV and maybe a yowl, then silence, then a door open and close and she'd walk around the corner with the cat in the carrier, neither of them none the worse for the wear.

There's one she didn't get cause he spooked and hid out somewhere in the RV's dash.

Cotton, a girl, was fixed at Heartland Monday

Polly was also spayed.

Little Man got Neutered.

So did Gizmo, a big huge black tux
Besides these four, I took 3 tame teen females to Heartland to be fixed.  I had gotten one fixed thee a year or two ago, an adult female, but she and her husband were tired of constant kittens, so were anxious to find a way to fix the three teens.   Bear, Oreo and FeFe went to Heartland Monday and were spayed.

Oreo, a friendly beautiful girl, spayed Monday

Bear, a muted torbi female teen, fixed at HHS

FeFe, Bear's sister, also fixed now
Fortunately the Heartland surgery was over by 1:00 and I picked up the 7 done there and immediately took the three Albany teens back home.  Then I drove to Salem and picked up the three Lebanon chicken colony cats fixed there.  I also picked up Patches, this one a torti, from the Salem group who had taken her in, from an Albany trailer park RV.  She wasn't adoption material through their group, the woman said.  The RV people wanted her back anyhow.  They didn't want the other ten cats in the RV, but they wanted her.  Heartland had already taken in six others from that RV and adopted all six out in a weeks time.  They are taking in the other four on Thursday, leaving the father daughter pair living in that RV only Patches, who is now fixed at least.

After I dropped Patches the torti off, I took Patches the massive white and gray blotched male back to Lebanon, along with six other now fixed Lebanon cats.  I high tailed it back home, then, unloaded the car, and went to bed.

I had to be up this morning at 3:30 a.m.   A few folks texted me awake, however, so I'm a little tired tonight, after a long day on the coast with cats.

But ten got fixed Monday and three went to dental appointments today.  All good!


  1. Wow! You are amazing!

  2. A very productive day with cooperating cats and people--not always a luxury that you get. Hoping for many more. :)

    1. It was nice to have others do the work and I just picked up. I liked it!

  3. Amazing! I'm so glad you caught a little break. Thanks for the laughs over that gal boxing up cats. And I appreciate the kind word on our car. We really scored, it seems. Now I just need to keep it out of harm's way. Be well!

    1. Yeah, it was funny to hear from outside. Then the nonchalant delivery to the car of the cat in the carrier. That is the scariest part of getting a new "used" car, the fear of wrecking it like in the first week.

  4. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Nice to hear some people are cooperative and do care.

    1. It is great to run into people who get involved and care now and then. It's not common but when someone does, makes a huge difference.

  5. Thank God for people like you that help so many.


Back to 7-11

 I already have 3 cats here, waiting for placement from 7-11, with Silverton Cat Rescue barn cat program. The two girls--Eleven and Petunia,...