Monday, September 03, 2018

A Late Lake Fling

I haven't been out much this summer.  On the lake that is.  Or anywhere else.

I went about ten days ago, to the lake, and discovered my hand pump hose had lots of holes in it.   On top of that, the plastic handle for the hand pump had broken almost off.  I pumped and pumped and tried to get enough air into it for the lake.  Finally I went out with it about 3/4 full.  Wasn't quite the same.

By today I'd repaired the pump and hose.   With....electrical tape and super glue.  I tried to pump up the two wheel rear end cart wheels I use to haul the raft to the lake from my car.  I discovered the high pressure air pump hose was sliced all the way through. It went in the trash too.  On the way to the lake, I stopped at a gas station and pumped them up there.   Everything seems to be breaking around here.

I got $10 worth of gas at the same time and on to the lake.

Was not crowded. I didn't think it would be even though today is a holiday. People are getting ready to send their kids back to school.

More boats arrived later in the day.  One was full of people and blasting country music so loud I put my thumbs over my ear drums.  I do not like country music.

I did the same thing later when some roaring nasty loud race boat arrived on the lake.  OMG!   Just go away.

I was intercepted in the parking lot by a Coast Guard auxilary woman offering to inspect my "vessel".  "Ok," I said.  It was a rather detailed inspection and safety check.  She then put a coast guard approved (or something) sticker on the side of the raft.   Then she was stung on the arm by a yellow jacket and said she was allergic.  I handed her my anti histamine cream I carry in the car for that reason and she used it, also said her epi pen was in her car just in case.

Off to the lake.  The wind was rather extreme at times so the lake was rough and that's how I like it.  Keeps the damn power boats speed down.   Keeps some of them off the lake too.  I like that.  Bring on the white caps.  I don't mind rough water.

It wasn't near as rough as I've been in before on the lake there.  Fall is coming on.

Yup, there's my coast guard approved life jacket down there

I think the temperature today was about 78 degrees for a high.  Summer heat is winding down fast.

I did not plant anything this spring except some sunflowers out front and some red potatoes, from store bought ones that sprouted.  I have harvested most of those by now and eaten them.

Well that's about it.


  1. Love your sunflowers and am so very glad you got a last lake fling.

  2. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Always good to see smiling sunflowers. The lake does look rather choppy. I know it's an old persons thing, but why do people like inflicting their musical tastes on other people.

    1. It's really too loud for them to enjoy. It's like an in your face thing, I think. A fuck everybody else thing. Not sure. Probably more of an I'm too drunk thing.

  3. Occasionally, there are lakes where power boats aren't allowed on. Not a chance you could find one of those around, is there?

    Sunflowers have to be one of the cheeriest flowers. I only had one this year that was smaller and a volunteer from the bird seed. The birds and squirrels and me have enjoyed it all the same.

    1. We have a handful of those in Oregon. They're a long drive away for me. I don't really mind the power boats. Most of the people in them are quite polite. There's just those few. Sunflowers are my favorites. I love them. They just are wonderful, the color, the cheeriness, the bees swarming them.

  4. I need to plant sunflowers next year. A few houses nearby have them growing above the first floor roof line! It's quite stunning.

    Your video looks enticing. Sorry about the noise levels. I don't like country music or speedboats, either. I used to swim at a nearby lake but got tired of nearly drowning with some of those idiots racing about too close to shore.

    As for Zima, we're lucky in that most every type of food or beverage store I went into carried it this summer. Yum. It's tough to resist sipping one on a hot day, so our stockpile is nearly gone and nobody has it anymore. ~sigh~ Well, it's one reason to look forward to next summer, when I'll be glad to put this one to bed. Be well!

    1. The sunflowers this summer grew taller than ever, way above the first story roof line. Some fell over from a windstorm we had a few weeks ago. I've got the rest tied up. They are unbelievably tall this year. I've been nearly run over at the lake. Stupid operators not even watching forward, to where they are going. It is dangerous the way many drive boats. I want some ZIMA!


Green Peter Drawdown Video

  A video made about the Green Peter reservoir drawdown.  Will it help at all?   I don't know.