Friday, August 17, 2018

Yellow Jacket Revenge

Smog Sun

The Yellow Jackets like my taste.  Especially those up around that clear cut in the hills, where I loaned the people a trap, rigged so it couldn't spring, to pre feed, for trapping this weekend, but they changed their minds pretty much the next day, said they'd wait til fall.

I dress in winter type clothes, even though its going to just be an in and out trap pickup, to keep yellow jackets from my bare legs.  They had feasted on my bare legs and feet last time out there.

I buy some wasp spray to give them, because the lady had complained so much about having nothing to fight them with when I dropped off the trap.  I'd felt sorry for her.

I was in jeans, socks, shoes, shirt and had my hoodie along to boot, to cover my arms, along with shorts to change to, once I left and went to Waterloo.  I was going to take a dip in the very cold Santiam once there.

However, once up there to get the trap, things went sour fast.  The yellow jackets were not as bad. She said they had plenty of wasp spray.  She also wanted to give me a bag of empty bottles to turn in.  I should have turned that down, more trouble than its worth actually.  Maybe there's two dollars worth and to return them, well its time consuming and not worth the $2 or so I'd get in return.

She went to get them and in the meantime, I was grabbing my fly swatter out of the passenger side, to keep bees off.  Instead bees swarmed into my car, probably because of empty cat food cans from just feeding the farm colony.

I jumped out of the car rapidly, scrambling, when they came in, and slammed the door, not aware I'd accidentally in my scramble to get away from the bees, hit the lock button with a foot or elbow or something.  Boom.  I'm locked out of my car with the keys inside.

Oh shit, I thought.  Dressed in hot clothes, and now unable to retreat into my car and get the fuck out of there.  The yellow jackets would have their way with me!

The woman has little sympathy, in fact begins behaving like I might be senile or something to do that.  I say nothing.  I want to say something but I say nothing.

I want to say, among other things, I drove all the way out here and back twice to help you out, all for nothing, be nice to me!!!

She says she has no tools.  I need a wedge to wedge up the edge of the door and a stiff stiff rod of some sort.  That's it.  I can open the fricking door.  She says they have no tools or anything, brings me a hanger, finds some garden clippers.  I wedge up the edge with a piece of half rotten wood and the garden clippers.  I can't open the damn thing with a coat hanger.

I work for over an hour in the heat, in my hot clothes, stopping only to kill yellow jackets, sweat pouring off, trying to hook the keys first on the far seat, then trying to rig a loop with a shoelace I removed,  to hook over the door latch knob, which is smooth and tapering, for anti theft purposes, and I can't keep a loop over it, because of that.  I could with sticky tape but she says they have none.

I felt bad, embarrassed, nervous.  I worked frantically to get into the car.  It wasn't their fault, but it wasn't mine either.  It was a freak accident I hit the lock button when scrambling out to escape the yellow jackets.

Finally their son arrives to drop off a truck.   He and his friend go to a shop and yes they have tools there and other stuff I could have used earlier.  It was off hidden from view by piles of slash.

I tell him what I need before he goes, something stiff.  He comes back and tries to hook the keys with two hangers but drops them.  I take over again.  He pries out the edge of the door with a heavy screwdriver and I use the thin but stiff metal rod and quickly am able to wedge up the knob using that.  Thank goodness.  I'd almost collapsed in the meantime, probably was close to heat exhaustion.

I got out of there after that.  Went to Waterloo park, exhausted, mentally and physically.  Sobbed a bit, and then was over it.   I survived.  I got my trap back. 

I'd already been to Lebanon to pick up a stray kitty.  Someone I knew was moving out of their trailer park, something to do with owing taxes to the state of Oregon who put a lean or something on the trailer, I don't know, something like that and they had to sell it and move into an RV, but she's not yet found one.

 She and her son still in high school will go to the coast, temp living with her brother in his fifth wheeler until she finds an RV or something she can live in.  She has  no car.  She's in a wheelchair.  Talk about stressful!

In the meantime, she'd fed strays-- one appeared to have a broken leg,and the other seemed very friendly and older. They needed out of there too.  Fast.   Because this all transpired quickly.

So the night before she had to be out of her old trailer, with the new owners moving in the next day right after she left, her teen son caught the broken leg cat.  KATA took him to the vet and had him euthanized because they said he had mouth ulcers and growths.  I went and got the other boy, Bart, and brought him home even though I had nowhere for him, really, with Ganji, from Lebanon, allegedly with ringworm, in the garage, and Scooty the girl kitten from the parking lot in the bathroom.  But that was too sad, to see Bart crying at her door, hours before she had to be gone from there.

   Anyhow, I set Scooty up in a really lousy cage in the living room, and Bart in the bathroom.  He was easy, long neutered, sweet, scared though.  His world just got upturned.  The video is Scooty, back in the bathroom.  She's taming fast.

Yesterday I took Bart to Heartland Humane, thank goodness.  Heartland agreed to help him out, by taking him in.  I took Ganji over to Heartland too, to be tested for FIV/Felk.  They said he doesn't have ringworm, just hair loss from fleas. I had thought that in the first place.  He also tested negative for FIV/Felk and is  mostly tame too.  Ganji is still in the garage, will be until Scooty leaves.

Scooty is leaving later today.  Well actually she's not.  The woman who was going to take her informed me she is in the middle of a big remodel and can't take her for at least two weeks.  Shoot. I'll just have Ganji as an extra then.
Bart, now at Heartland Humane, awaiting someone to love him

 Wendy who had to move, is still struggling with the move i'm sure, hasn't yet found an RV or fifth wheeler yet, new owners came early the day she had to be out, well anyhow, so far she's survived and is now a free roaming feral woman, lol.  That's a lousy joke, as its not funny to be in the situation.

But she knew she had to get out of that trailer anyhow, rising rents and utilities, she  doesn't have much money on SS, and I think she's right.  All us old folks and poor folks should be thinking ahead in this day and age of extremely high rents and water rates and everything else.

As for the incident out on Yellow Jacket hill.  No, it wasn't their fault I locked my keys in my car nor was it my fault either.  Where then to place blame?  Our human hearts need something or someone to blame for misfortune--a target. 

I blame the yellow jackets.  They conceived the plot to isolate me in the open and then.....and then to eat me alive and raw.  You failed suckers!!!! 


  1. What a day. I would have had a meltdown. And would avoid those people like the plague from now on.
    Glad that BArt is now safe, and hope he finds a home soon. And hooray for no ringworm (or FIV/felk). Ganji's life just got a lot more hopeful.

    1. I had a bit of a sobbing fit at Waterloo once I arrived there. No swim, was late by the time I got there, and its so smoggy with smoke and dirt from tilling filling the air everywhere. Today, the air is better.

  2. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I am sure not everyone around you is mad, but at times it seems like it. Did you get your swim? It sounds like it would have been a good medicinal treatment after your experience.

    1. No swim, was late, I was worn out, sat awhile by the river, yellow jackets there too, nothing like way out where I'd been though. Water there is very cold, shocking cold when you go into it. Ok after you go numb though.

    2. I was mad but I don't think they were. Maybe I wasn't mad but certainly frustrated to even have to go back out there, it's a long drive, when they change their minds about catching the cats after one day. She was certainly frustrated with me, for locking my keys in the car. I was embarrassed and nervous over how I would get them out or if I would. I'm sure she figured I never would be able to get them out and this would be a prolonged problem. I tried to get her to go into her place, then she could be cool, and I work so much better alone, at all things.

  3. Oh, you poor thing. What a terrible experience. And terrifying! I know yellow jackets are aggressive, but the video I watched in the next post gave me a whole new perspective. When you said they feast on you, you really mean it, don't you? I had no idea they would tear apart chicken meat! I'm only aware of them attacking with stingers when angered. I hope that gal finds a good place to stay, the poor dear. And may you have a better day. I'm so lucky to live here, it seems, in many ways. Police officers have always been willing to help from my youthful experience with locked out keys. Please have a good day, my dear.

    Oh, and thank you for the kind concern over Tilly. She does have hyperthyroidism, and is due for another checkup before her next felimazole refill. She's been on medication for a few years. Maybe we need to up the dosage. I'll find out after her appointment on August 29th. Meanwhile, she seems happy and enjoying whatever attention her screaming earns, the stinker. I'm happy to say she's quieter today for some reason. Be well, my dear.

    1. Oh, hyperthyroidism, it does cause the over activity and vocalization. Anyhow no big deal really on the keys locked in car. I've never locked them inside this particular car, but did the other one about three times. Had AAA get them out twice, both times I was exhausted and had been sleeping in my car, woke up and went off to use bathroom or something, forgetting my keys were not in my purse. So I practiced how to open it. But with this one, I'm going to create an easier way, gonna drill a hole through the lock knob, so it can be hooked. I never have anything worth stealing in the car anyhow, so big deal. Want empty stinky cat food cans, Mister Thief? Have at it. And thanks.

    2. I ran into someone I used to know in a Lebanon parking lot a few months ago, and she had just locked her purse with keys in it, in her trunk with groceries she'd just put in the trunk. The car door would open but then the car alarm would sound, if she opened it and she was unable to unlatch the trunk because it would auto lock, when the alarm went off. She had a key code pad on the car door. I said just enter the code, then the car security won't think its being broken into. She didn't know the code, but someone was at her place and she had them find the papers with the code, entered it, and the car then decided she was not breaking in and she could unlock the trunk and get her keys out.


End of Warmth

 We had some nice days.   But the heat is gone. We'll be in the 60's again for awhile, with perhaps some drizzle. I love the heat.  ...