Friday, May 25, 2018

This and That

I've had two fillings fall out in the last weeks.  I called my dentist.  I have coverage for fillings, check ups and emergency extraction, but for nothing else. If I needed a crown, I'd have to shell out probably $1200 to $1500 and I don't have that, so instead I've had to have teeth pulled.

  Most of my life I did not have any coverage to speak of.  So my teeth were in bad shape when I got a dentist here in town and I had to have multiple fillings.  I got them over a few month period by signing up to be called in on cancellations.  Turns out there were lots of cancellations.  Some days, I was called in twice.  I was very very happy to get my teeth fixed.

Some of the fillings needed were large and they are more inclined to crack and fall out.  I've had a few fall out.  I notice when suddenly I get something crunchy or grainy in my mouth. One of the fillings is particularly large and I was told, would never hold.  Well it has held quite a long time until two days ago, when suddenly a large chunk came out, like a rock.

That's when I called.   They have no openings even for exams until July.  For any work to be done, it's September.   But, they gave me a come and wait appointment early June.  That means I show up, with a book, and wait and hope to be worked in.  I am happy to have this opportunity.  It's doubtful any work can be done however outside of xrays.  But with an xray,  I can then officially be on the cancellation list.  So that's good news.

I stopped in at the Waterloo store yesterday.  I"d already returned Sly to his home, so I was feeling free and happy, with no extra cats to care for here.  The store clerk, whom I'd helped with cats, was happy to see me and said she'd lost my number and needed it.    An older man comes in, she said, and told her he has kittens with eyes glued shut from gunk, under his place and some adults and he doesn't feed them or even know where they came from.  She said he comes in every day and she'd give him my number immediately.

So much for my break.

I'd been called also by an Albany woman.  She had a female cat show in her yard with newborn kittens, but she kept moving them around, like a first time mom often does, and one died.  So she took the other two, only ten days old, into her house but the little boy wouldn't take the formula so she needed a trap to catch mom.   I took one over but the cat wouldn't go for it with the kittens in a carrier behind it.  It was day time, however, and neighbors have dogs and anytime you walk anywhere dogs start barking and charging fences.

Later she got the mom.  She put the kittens in a large carrier and waited patiently beside it.  The mom went into the carrier after a short time, unable to resist the cries of her kittens and she slammed the door of the carrier shut.

She's fostering them all herself under the guidance of KATA.

I have several situations to finish and a couple new ones to get at, but I'm sticking to my plans not to do any cat fixing in July.  I have no appointments and won't be making any.

There will always be unfixed cats but summers here are short and sometimes marred by wildfire smoke that fouls the air or something else, so I want to enjoy life a little bit, maybe go to the lake with my raft, nothing fancy since I'll never have any money for much of anything.  But that's nothing here.  There was an article in the paper recently saying 50% of the people in this county where I live, live in poverty or even below the poverty level.  That was no surprise to me.


  1. Oh, best wishes on getting your teeth looked at. ~hugs~ Take care, my dear. I hope you get to enjoy some time on the lake.

  2. Good for you for taking care of yourself by getting your teeth fixed and arranging for time to do nothing.

  3. Glad to hear that the Albany woman is doing the fostering not you.
    Sigh on the teeth front. I hope they don't give you any pain. Toothace is one of the worst pains I think.

  4. I think you're very smart to take July off. You have a very stressful job and burnout is a real problem. Start scanning the parks and libraries for free summer programs. There may be several things you're interested in. If not, lazing around with your raft sounds just right.

    1. Yes, been looking at free campsite areas. BLM and Forest Service allow camping free in some places.

  5. Last week, my dentist referred me to a periodontist for gum grafts. I checked my insurance policy and was happy to find that it will pay $450 for a graft. After making an appointment, I learned that it won't pay ANY money to ANY specialist for ANY reason. This means that I will have to go to an in-network dentist for a gum graft, but I can't even find a dentist who will does grafts, much less a dentist who is in-network. Because the insurance company will only pay a flat amount anyway, I assume that their intent is to make it impossible for me to have the procedure. When I hear of a school shooting, I always wonder why no one ever walks into an insurance company and blasts the assholes. Peggy had inpatient surgery two months ago, and her insurance wouldn't even pay for her painkillers. After that, she had a viral infection in her bronchitis prone chest and, they wouldn't pay for her codeine cough syrup. After that, she had a sinus infection, and they wouldn't pay for the drugs to treat that either. I loathe insurance companies and everyone who works for them. Their sole function in life is to deny coverage.

    You mentioned at some point (in the comment section to a post) wanting to plant bamboo but were concerned about it spreading. I can't find the post, but I've been wanting to tell you that, in this regard, there are two types of bamboo. One kind clumps and the other kind runs. I bought some of the clumping kind at Costco six years ago, and, sure enough, it hasn't spread.

    1. I did not know there were two types of bamboo. Now I do. Thanks! As for insurance fucks, sorry but that's what they are, just out to find ways to deny service to people who have paid out to them all their lives, so as to up their cut, yeah, why do homicidal maniacs kill innocent people if they're bent on killing when there are plenty of guilty soul sucking thieves out there.

  6. "why do homicidal maniacs kill innocent people if they're bent on killing when there are plenty of guilty soul sucking thieves out there."

    I agree. Perhaps, it's because most mass killings are done by pissed-off teenagers, "disgruntled employees," or religious fanatics. When I hear of killings by school boys who don't kill themselves too, I always wonder if they really and truly thought their lives would improve once they, like Kip Kinkel, were either sentenced to die or sent to prison for life.

    About bamboo, it can be hard to find around here. I bought some this year from a man near Eugene whose business is mostly mail order. I paid $42 for each of two three gallon pots. That seemed a little spendy to me, but I couldn't find it (Fargesia robusta) cheaper anywhere else, and if Costco has gotten anymore in, it was gone before I knew of it.

    1. I'm going to be on the watch for it Snow. Thanks again.


Green Peter Drawdown Video

  A video made about the Green Peter reservoir drawdown.  Will it help at all?   I don't know.